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- Dragon Scales are a crafting material obtained from high-level dragons. It is used in creation of Dragon's Mail.
- Dragon Scale may refer to:
* Image:Green Dragon Scale.gif Green Dragon Scale
* Image:Red Dragon Scale.gif Red Dragon Scale Esta es una página de desambiguación, una ayuda a la navegación que cataloga páginas que de otra forma compartirían un mismo título. Si llegaste aquí a través de un enlace interno, regresa por favor para corregirlo de modo que apunte al artículo apropiado.
- Legend has it that the Dragon's Scale fell from a dragons body a long, long time ago. A light green fossil that fits in the palm of your hand, it has mysterious powers and slightly increases your defensive power. It can be found in all item shops in Dragon Quest. Due to text restrictions, it was named "D-Scale" in the Gameboy Color remake of Dragon Quest.
- Dragon scale is an item in Dragon Age: Origins.
- The Dragon Scale is an inventory item in KQ7.
- There are two different types of this item with the same name:
* Dragon Scale (Base Component)
* Dragon Scale (Breed Component)
- Dragon Scales is a material found in Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland, Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland and Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland.
- The extremely valuable Dragon Scales are found on Dragons in the desert in Two Worlds.
- Dragon Scales are items that can be found in abundance on the corpses of all types of dragons. The stronger the dragon, the higher amount of scales they drop. So, Forest Dragons drop the least amount of scales. Sand Dragons drop a bit more, then Ice Dragons, then Red Dragons, then Black Dragons, and then Abyss Dragons drop the greatest amount of scales. One can turn in 50 Dragon Scales to Hesterail at the Forge in the Marali Fort for 500 Experience Points and a Medium Protection Ring. As such, Dragon Scales are in high demand, and many people go to various large in order to collect them.
- It is mainly found on the following quests: 1 - Dragon's Nest, lasts 10 hours
- A dragon's iridescent scale that is tough enough to protect from weather and most forms of harm.
- Dragon Scales are items from The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. These Treasures can be found in randomly throughout New Hyrule. They can be sold at the Trading Post for 150 Rupees. They can also be used to customize certain Train Parts.
- A Dragon Scale causes the following Pokémon evolutions when held.
- The dragon scale is a scale from Ferno the fire dragon. When put into Tom's magic shield, the shield is protected from fire, very useful in wildfires or when battling fire opponents such as Epos the flame bird. According to its' card, the dragon scale that is put into Tom's shield is one of Ferno's oldest scales. It is as old as Ferno is-288 years old. It also has a power of 82, a magic level of 137 and a fright factor of 56. Overall, it is not as good as Ferno's card, which beats it in power, fright factor and magic level; and it ties with Ferno in it's age.
- A Dragon Scale is an item introduced in Generation II that evolves Seadra into Kingdra when held while being traded. This item cannot be bought, only found, but can be sold for File:Poké Dollar.png1050.