| - Level: Patches 6 (Magichange) Spell Resistance: No Summanus, the god of Nocturnal Thunder. This code name has persisted through your life, even back before you had died and became what you are now. A title that seems to haunt you from beyond, somehting you couldn't ever escape. Question is, why would you want to escape it anyway? As a standard action, the weapon transforms into a plasma sword that seems to be made of black lightning, extending from a brilliant blue handle shaped somewhat like a prinny's face, the blade extending from the beak. While the technique is active, the creature can switch the sword to gun form and back as a swift action. While wielding it, the attacker can use any martial blades techniques. Your attack and damage rolls with it utilize your dexterity modifier (Or s
| - Level: Patches 6 (Magichange) Spell Resistance: No Summanus, the god of Nocturnal Thunder. This code name has persisted through your life, even back before you had died and became what you are now. A title that seems to haunt you from beyond, somehting you couldn't ever escape. Question is, why would you want to escape it anyway? As a standard action, the weapon transforms into a plasma sword that seems to be made of black lightning, extending from a brilliant blue handle shaped somewhat like a prinny's face, the blade extending from the beak. While the technique is active, the creature can switch the sword to gun form and back as a swift action. While wielding it, the attacker can use any martial blades techniques. Your attack and damage rolls with it utilize your dexterity modifier (Or strength, whichever is higher). When making an attack with this weapon, the attacker gains a reach of +5 feet, and it gains two additional attacks, however all attacks made by them take a -4 penalty to the roll. When this weapon deals damage it deals an additional 1d10 electricity damage per hit. If you land a critical hit, you deal an additional 1d12 per critical modifier past 2 (X3, X4 ect...). This damage bypasses electricity resistance,and deals 1 damage to those immune to electricity. This technique lasts 1 round per 2 levels of the one who activated it.