| - This item is autokeep. This means that if you die with it, you will always keep it
- Dark Bow is a mid-ranked bow that provides 40 Attack, 43 Hit Rate, and has a 66% chance to inflict Blind when attacking with it. It can be dropped from Enchanted Fans, and bought in Regole, Quelb, and Castle of Bal for 3,800 gil.
- Assuming that both weapons are set to the Rapid attack style, the Dark Bow has a firing time of 2.4 seconds per arrow, whereas a shortbow such as the magic shortbow (i) takes only 1.8. Because of this, the Dark Bow is only fairly popular for Player killing. It is the hardest hitting weapon in the game for both regular hits and special attack hits..
- Dark Bow is a bow carried by Dark Seducer archers in the Shivering Isles. There are three types of the Dark Bow: regular, worn and frail. They can be looted from the corpse of a Dark Seducer Guard.
- De dark bow heeft een zeer langzame aanvalsnelheid met een schot om elke 5,4 seconde. Hoewel de dark bow erg langzaam schiet, schiet het per aanval twee pijlen (arrows) tegelijk waardoor de vijand een dubbele hit zal krijgen.De prijs op de Grand Exchange is ongeveer 75.000 coins. Spelers kunnen ook een dark bow krijgen als drop van dark beasts, waarvoor 90 Slayer vereist is. Om het moment is de Dark bow het langzaamste wapen in RuneScape. Toch is de dark bow erg populair onder spelers en wordt vooral vaak gebruikt in PvP gevechten.
- The Dark Bow is a two-handed ranged weapon used commonly by Ranged Pkers because of its special ability. It is the third most powerful bow, topped only by the two degrading bows: the New crystal bow and the Zaryte bow. It fires two arrows at once and is functional using Bronze through Dragon arrows. It requires a Ranged level of 60 to use.
- The dark bow is classified as a shieldbow, so wielding it allows the use of abilities requiring a shield. A wyrm scalp can be added to a dark bow to turn it into a more powerful strykebow. __TOC__
- Dark bow on erikoinen jousi, jonka saattaa pudottaa ainoastaan lahtaushirviö Dark Beast, jonka taistelutaso on 184, ja jonka surmaaminen vaatii 90. lahtaustason. Tämä on ainoa jousi, joka voi käyttää Dragon-nuolia. Dark bowin käyttö vaatii 60. jousiammuntatason. Sitten kun olet käyttänyt sitä ota Dark Bow esiin ja näytä vastustajalle kuka on pomo! Dark bowilla on erikoishyökkäys 1.
- Dark bow er den nest beste buen i spillet som bruker piler, og er den eneste som bruker dragon piler. Den fåes av dark beasts, som man trenger level 90 slayer for å drepe. Man trenger level 60 ranged for å kunne bruke den. Dark bow fyrer av skudd veldig sakte men skyter ut to piler på en gang. For tiden er dette det treigeste våpenet i spillet. Folk som bruker angrepsmåten accurate med denne buen vil finne ut at folk med raskere våpen tar monsteret før deg.