The Kingdom of Cimera (Meritéen: Royaulme de Cimère) is a Constitutional Monarchy founded in early 302. It is notable for its stable government - despite the two Civil wars in 302 - and for its complete lack of petrol-powered motor vehicles.
The Kingdom of Cimera (Meritéen: Royaulme de Cimère) is a Constitutional Monarchy founded in early 302. It is notable for its stable government - despite the two Civil wars in 302 - and for its complete lack of petrol-powered motor vehicles.
The Kingdom of Cimera (Meritéen: Royaulme de Cimère) is a Constitutional Monarchy founded in early 302. It is notable for its stable government - despite the two Civil wars in 302 - and for its complete lack of petrol-powered motor vehicles.