Lyle Lanley is a con artist and shyster who sold faulty monorails to several towns, including Springfield.
Lyle Lanley is a non permanent character appearing on August 11, 2015, during the Monorail 2015 Event. He is part of the first Act, and is a key character to starting the event.
The "marks" in Lanley's con scheme were towns that were in possession of large amounts of money. Lanley would visit a town and make a sales pitch for his monorails to encourage the townspeople to purchase one. After the town bought the monorail, Lanley would open a monorail conductors' training school to hire a conductor, which was really a farce and provided very little in the way of actual training. Lanley would either select a random student or the least qualified in the class to be the conductor (his exact decision-making method isn't known).