Homilite is a borosilicate mineral belonging to the gadolinite group of minerals with formula Ca2(Fe,Mg)B2Si2O10. It occurs as brown monoclinic crystals within feldspar masses in pegmatite and was discovered in 1876 in Stoko island, Langesundfiord, Norway. The name is from the Greek for to occur together, in allusion to its association with meliphanite and allanite.
Homilite is a borosilicate mineral belonging to the gadolinite group of minerals with formula Ca2(Fe,Mg)B2Si2O10. It occurs as brown monoclinic crystals within feldspar masses in pegmatite and was discovered in 1876 in Stoko island, Langesundfiord, Norway. The name is from the Greek for to occur together, in allusion to its association with meliphanite and allanite.