| - Chat – program konwersacyjny, w którym 60–letni parchaty facio udaje 20–letnią sexy blondynkę lub króla towarzystwa. Można tam znaleźć także młodzież gimnazjalną, satanistów i moherowe berety. Jest również jednym ze źródeł wszelkich dysfunkcji ortograficznych i dewiacji seksualnych. Nieodosobnionym przypadkiem, który spotykamy na czacie, są kobiety, które zmieniają swoją tożsamość kilka razy dziennie.
- Le chat est moche. Il passe son temps à se nettoyer. S'il s'agissait d'un être humain, on dirait de lui qu'il est toqué : il passe son temps à se lécher. Et quand il se lèche, il n'en retire même pas de plaisir. L'urinoir du chat peut être la terre fraîchement labourée, les nouvelles semences du jardin, ou bien le four de la cuisine. De plus, le chat ne retient pas son prénom. Contrairement à un chien, il ne vient pas, il te regarde pour te faire comprendre que c'est toi qui est stupide, et que c'est lui le patron.
- Chat (Eng: to chat)is het voeren van een gesprek door het over en weer typen van tekst tussen twee of meer gebruikers van computers die zich meestal op verschillende locaties bevinden en die tegelijkertijd in het zelfde netwerk werken. Categorie:Chat Categorie:Basiswoorden
- Chat is at the bottom of your screen, and is divided into two tabs:
* Global Chat
* Faction Chat
- Chat is a communication feature in many multiplayer games, including ROBLOX. There are two types of chat: Normal Chat and Safe Chat (disabled). These features allow the player to chat with other players and friends on the game. Guests are the only players who cannot use chat (due to the removal of Safe Chat).
- Chat is a basic part of Second Life. Residents will often chat to one another in public or private (through instant messages). Usually, chat will refer to the public "chatter" between residents. Objects can also "chat" through usage of a script with functions like llSay. This "chatter" may or may not be seen by residents depending on the channel used by the function.
- Les chats sont des animaux assez récurrents dans la série Zelda. On les retrouve dans Oracle of Seasons, dans The Minish Cap et dans Twilight Princess. Ils sont incapables de parler dans ces trois jeux, sauf si Link est petit ou s'il s'est lui-même transformé en animal. Certains sont agressifs.
- Chat is the means of communication between players. It can be displayed in different colours using text effects. It is important not to give out personal information when chatting. Players are not able to chat until they complete the Tutorial Island. Chat comes in 2 different forms:
* public chat
* private chat
- Ein deutschsprachiger Chatraum mit regem Betrieb. oder irc://devnull.wiredirc.net:6667 (#pa)
- .hack//Chat (.hack//チャット) is a chat client that uses the MetagateX plug-in to move 64-bit avatars and chat in real time. Users can create their own room, visit other users rooms (if they have their Member Address), participate in Events and Dungeons. The scenery is seasonal and changes around the holidays. Later, however, the chat was changed to the G.U. version of Mac Anu. .hack//Chat closed on April 30th, 2008.
- A chat is an in-game typed conversation. Chat allows you to chat with other players in game. There are tabs at the bottom of the chat window at the bottom left of the user interface that allow you to view and participate in various ongoing chats. You can also send a whisper to another player to start a private conversation.
- ChatOnline Copyright (c) 2008 V-Search Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
- The chat at first was very primitive and had several bugs, but over time, it was corrected and improved.
- Chat is the method players and Mythrans use to talk to other players. It is triggered by opening the red box on the bottom-left corner on the screen.
- Der Chat dient als Kommunikations-Mittel zwischen den Spielern. Er ist links unten am Spielbildschirm zu sehen. Man kann es auch verschieben. Der Chat wird immer vom Server beeinflusst.
- Chat refers to
- Queville includes a dungeon room chat system.
- When I get time, I'll write somthing here
- [[Tiedosto:Chat_kuva_1.png|thumb|400px|Erään palvelimen chat-ruutu]] Chatti eli Chat, on ominaisuus, jota pelaajat voivat käyttää keskustellakseen yksin- ja moninpelissä.
- Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow. HISS! MEOW! ROW! ROOOW!
- Chat (engl. to chat = plaudern, reden) In sog. Chatrooms kann man im Internet plaudern / chatten , unter Freunden schreiben und einiges mehr oder weniger wichtiges austauschen. Solche Chatrooms kann man in Internetpräsenzen besuchen oder selbst downloaden (Messenger). Liste von Messengern: 1.
* MSN 2.
* ICQ 3.
* Skype 4.
* Yahoo!Messenger 5.
* ...
- Chat (von engl. to chat, „plaudern, unterhalten“) bezeichnet elektronische Kommunikation zwischen Personen in Echtzeit, meist über das Internet. Eine frühere Form des Chats gab es in den 80er Jahren über den CB-Funk.
- In Tanki Online, chats allow the players to easily communicate with each other. Chats are available in two places: during battle (which can be used by pressing "Enter"), and in the left section of the lobby.
- Chat is part of every alliance. Chat is basically talking to everyone who is online and is on the chat as well.
- Les chats sauvages sont de forte carrure, presque aussi grands que des blaireaux. Certains sont malfaisants et dirigent de grandes armées de vermines, mais d'autres mènent une vie paisible.
- There are certain things a player should know to use chat in DCUO efficiently. This article tries to outline those.
- Main Page | About Mike Gravel | Top Issues | Other Issues | Grassroots Campaign | Online Campaign | Media Campaign | Contacts | Videos | Forums | Chat | Calendar | Donate | Gravel Stuff | WikiProjects | Chatrooms for supporters of Mike Gravel:
* The Official Mike Gravel chatroom - at the Official Gravel 2008 website
* #gravel2008 in the drop-down menu at Campaigns wikia CGI Gateway to IRC. Hopefully, we will soon have a Mike Gravel CGI Gateway to IRC. I recently requested one at the Wikia Help Desk. Feel free to post a message there requesting the same.
- Le chat est un animal. Les félins sont très appréciés des informaticiens.
- Car visitator, Vade a: e selige un o plus del tres chats que tu prefere. Il ha duo chats in interlingua e un altere in qualcunque lingua del Planeta Terra. Le interventiones scribite anterior remane inregistrate e pote esser consultate per vos. Nonobstante, le forma le melior de contactar personas in Skype qui parla Interlingua es consultar le sequente lista. Clicca hic
- Chat posts a message to the chat (out-of-character) channel.
- Note: Free chat was removed from the game, now you can only chat by pressing Ctrl, clicking on a character and selecting what you want to say.
- Chatting is the way of communicating in Unison League. Players can chat with other players in most areas of the game, from lobbies to in-quest locations. Players can have a maximum of 64 characters per message, and also have the option to use Stamps while chatting. The Chat Room lobbies of the game are made specifically for players to have a place to chat.
- right left Description:
* Les chats sont des animaux domestiques populaires car ils aident à limiter le nombre de souris et rats.
- Un chat (Felis silvestris catus) était un animal félin commun sur Terre.
- Chat is a part of deviantART messaging network (dAmn) and is a page/list of existing chatrooms. Chatrooms can be official and user created. Official chatrooms are displayed at the top under "Featured Chatrooms" and user created chatrooms are bellow, under "All Chatrooms". If you have chatroom(-s) they will be displayed under "Your Chatrooms"
- Habitica is one of the warmest, kindest, most courteous and supportive communities on the internet. To help maintain this standard, players must agree to abide by the Community Guidelines before participating in chats. This helps to keep everyone in the community safe, happy, and productive.
- A huge part of Star Wars: The Old Republic involves talking with other players; Your guild, party, or other players on the same planet. You'll use the chat to group up for heroics, find and join guilds, get questions answered in-game, and sometimes sell items.
- RAGE Wiki has an IRC chat channel, which is located here. If you would like to install an IRC client instead, follow Kaishiro's XChat Setup Guide If you already have an IRC client installed, click [irc://irc.xertion.org/RAGEWiki here]. If you need to add RAGE Wiki IRC chat channel to your IRC client, information is listed below. If you have any problems with the IRC, please contact Kaishiro, Xertion's owner.
- List of emotions: add '/' on the beginning of the text For example: /hi /yes /no /hehe /cry
- « Les chats c'est des connards. » Régis-Robert Créature du démon. Donne l'impression qu'il est adorable, et profite de votre faiblesse pour vous forcer à satisfaire ses désirs. Voir aussi : Chouchenn
- Chat Transformers Wiki został założony przez Tahu mistikę 2008. Korzystać z niego mogą tylko zarejestrowani użytkownicy Transformers Wiki. Link:
- In Foldit ist auch ein Chat integriert, der aus verschiedenen Kanälen besteht.
- Ventana de conversación y visualización de mensajes además de acciones de combate que se muestra en la parte izquierda y abajo del juego y que divide los distintos canales de chat en pestañas.
- CHAT is the official comment section on internetoxpodcast.com. File:CHAT page.png
- the chat is where you can talk to other GhostsWikia Editors follow this link to go there
- El Chat es el método que se utiliza en Club penguin para hablar y existen 2 tipos de chat y cada uno tiene sus propias cualidades aqui los tipos de Chat
* Chat de alta seguridad
* Chat libre
- Chat is the fifty-second episode of the series Weebl & Bob. Posted: 12th December, 2003 Summary: Its a relaxing look behind the scenes as Weebl and Bob have a nice gossip with Tit for Tat: Celebrity Chitchat. Tune: Trijgoirjgorij - Gregory Dunns Arse Credits: Weebl and Skoo
- Das hier ist der Communication Room von Kiwiki. Hier kann man was reinposten und sich toll fühlen, ohne blöd angeguckt zu werden. BLÄÄÄÄHHHH! Sozusagen die Spam- Ecke, wenn das nicht schon der Rest der Seite wäre.
- Chat (チャット Chatto?) is a playable character from Tales of Eternia who serves as the pilot of the primarily maritime vessel Van Eltia.
- Unlike most shooter games, Gang Garrison 2 does not have a text chat system. Instead, communication can be achieved through a collection of emoticon/symbols available to players through three menus. The keys Z, X and C open different menus.
- Chat can be accessed in Wild Isle under the Players tab. There are three different kinds of chatrooms: public, cartel, and private.
- Communicating with other players is possible during the game, in the lobby, in a party with friends and in private messages with friends.
- oi a todos venham a este chat eu fiz ele para a wiki
- Ein Chatraum ist ein geschlossener Raum variabler Größe (ca. 480x320 bis 1600x1200Pixel). Meistens wird er dafür genutzt um andere zu beschimpfen, Werbung zu verbreiten, kleine unerfahrene Kinder zu ärgern und zur Partnersuche zwischen hässlichen Teenagern!
- チャットチャンネルへの入り方 /channeljoin チャンネル名 ※既に作成されていればJOINのみ、作成されていなければチャットチャンネルを作成しJOINする。 JOIN後のメッセージで Channel [数字] チャンネル名 と出てくるのでこの数字を使用して発言できる /数字 発言メッセージ と入力することによりチャットチャンネルに対して発言できる ORDER/DEST毎にチャンネル名は独立していない模様、もし希望するチャンネル名で作れない場合は敵陣営で同じチャンネル名で作成されている可能性がある。 その場合は、たとえばORDER側であればチャンネル名_oで作成すると競合を回避できると思われる。 以下、各サーバのJP総合チャンネル名 ※ゲーム内ロビーとして利用するとよいでしょう
- Chat (en español charla o tele conferencia) o chatear, es un anglicismo que describe la conversación electrónica en tiempo real (síncrono) entre dos o más personas a través de Internet. Lo normal en una sesión de chat es que un usuario escriba mensajes con el teclado y que el mensaje se muestre en la pantalla de otro usuario (u otros usuarios), aunque la conversación también puede realizarse con audio y con video. Se llaman chat rooms o channels (en español salas de charla o canales) a lugares virtuales en Internet, normalmente organizados por temas, donde la gente se reúne para conversar. El chat también puede considerarse una tecnología educativa para favorecer los procesos de aprendizaje.
- Five chat tabs are provided and these may be customized to suit your needs. The default tabs are labeled
* Whole
* General
* Party
* Guild
* Ad The [T] button on the right toggles the visibility of these five tabs. The left most tab is the default chat view. A Settings button [S] is located to the left of the chat input box. Use the Settings button to customize each tab.
* The illustration highlights these two buttons.
* It also shows that custom tab names can be assigned by the user.
- The default location of the chat interface is in the bottom left of the game window, although this can be moved to wherever players wish it to be. It displays various chat and game messages in the message box and has a series of buttons to control what is displayed in the message box. There are also several tabs to switch to, which display the contents of all messages received, or only those from one chosen type; Friends Chat, Private Messages, Clan Chat or Guest Clan Chat. Access to the Emotes interface is through the chat interface, and there is a toggle for displaying online status to all, friends or no-one, and toggles for always-on mode and chat badges. The Report Abuse button, help button and examine settings are all located here too.
- #chat is an extended command which enables you to talk to a monster. This command can give amusing results (see talking to vampires for an example) and is occasionally a hindrance (for example, when chatting with skeletons), but it also has a number of practical uses.
- Metroho allows you to talk to other players live by using their own personal chat located inside the game. To access this chat is really simple. Go the ther right of your screen once logging in. You'll see next to the forums tab, a chat tab. Once you click on it a new screen will show up. This screen will ask you your username and password along with what language you would like to use. Browse around there are many possible things you can do will change the background and change the color of your text.
- Man braucht einen IRC-Client, es geht natürlich auch der Direktlink von von dem Anbieter über den ihr caten wollt, das ist meist ein Java-Client mit relativ wenig Komfort. irc.eu.swiftirc.net Raum #phirouu.de ist das Eingangsportal für den Chatbereich der autark-shg und PHIROUU. irc.eu.swiftirc.net Raum #autisten.de ist das Eingangsportal für den Chatbereich des Vereins Aspies e.V. Freie Clients findet man unter oder Diese laufen unter den meisten Betriebssystemen incl. Windows. In der Regel registriert man seinen eigenen Nick durch den folgenden Befehl: /msg NickServ register PASSWORT EMAIL dann und
- The default location of the chat interface is in the bottom left of the game window, although this can be moved to wherever players wish it to be. It displays various chat and game messages in the message box and has a series of buttons to control what is displayed in the message box. There are also several tabs to switch to, which display the contents of all messages received, or only those from one chosen type; Friends Chat, Private Messages, Clan Chat or Guest Clan Chat. Access to the Emotes interface is through the chat interface, and there is a toggle for displaying online status to all, friends or no-one, and toggles for always-on mode and chat badges. The Report Abuse button, help button and examine settings are all located here too. In the Legacy interface these toggles can be foun
- Chat is a new option for 2015 added to the FW Wikia. You can either wait around or get a group of friends together first, then click HERE to join in! There's pros & cons with chat - some cons being that few people are in the room, messages aren't saved for long (unknown time atm) and not everyone would be online at the same hour. However, some pros are by setting a daily/nightly meeting time you can easily address a number of issues, concerns, etc in a short amount of time without having to refresh, delete messages, and not being limited by the number of characters/words said. Not to mention not everything can be conveyed in the same sense within a forum post, as chat lets you hold a conversation with everyone where as forums would be spam.
- First of all congrats to Green Reaper - I believe creatures should be the first featured wikicity - simply because of the innovation of a chat room . . . thanks to ts for bringing this to everyones attention :-) At the moment I feel there are (for peace elements anyway) far too many methods of comunication and we need to focus on one and use and develop it well. At the moment we have 1.
* Chatzy 2.
* Curlchat 3.
* Feastroom and edits 4.
* Peace-L email forum 5.
* Skype 6.
* ICQ and so on - it sort of works . . . but often to dissipate rather than focus efforts (IMO)
- Die ursprünglichste Form des Internet-Chats ist der reine Textchat, bei dem nur Zeichen ausgetauscht werden können. Mittlerweile kann – je nach System – eine Ton- und/oder Videospur dazu kommen, bzw. den Textchat ersetzen. Man spricht dann von „Audio-“ bzw. „Videochat“. Heute werden technisch gesehen hauptsächlich drei Chatformen unterschieden:
- C'est la race d'animaux comportant le plus de membres. En effet, elle comporte 29 personnages ; 25 sont des villageois et 4 autres sont des personnages spéciaux. Avec les singes et les chiens, c'est la seule espèce d'animaux à pouvoir être à la fois des villageois et des personnages spéciaux. Il est intéressant de remarquer que deux chats n'ont pas été repris dans les jeux suivants, Meow et Pierre, tous deux issus du jeu japonais Dōbutsu no Mori e+, il s'agit d'une des espèces dont le moins de représentants ont été retirés.
- Growtopia features a chatting system that allows players to communicate with other players. It is displayed at the top of the screen and is easily resizeable. When a player tries to say inappropriate language, all of the inappropriate words will be replaced with "@#!?" (or a combination of these symbols). Players can remove this by un-checking the filter inappropriate language in the Parental Controls part of options. Options can be accessed by clicking the menu at the top right corner.
- El Chat es un sistema en donde los jugadores pueden hablar con otros mediante textos. Al activarlo con "enter", se mostrará una barra azul en la izquierda inferior de la pantalla, aquí el jugador podrá escribir y enviar mensajes usando otra vez la tecla "enter". Los textos pueden borrarse, copiarse o pegarse combinando las teclas "Ctrl" + "X" (cortar), "Ctrl" + "C" (copiar) y "Ctrl" + "V" (pegar). Cuando el chat está abierto, se mostrarán los textos escritos anteriormente. Se pueden mostrar hasta 500 mensajes y el historial puede desplazarse utilizando las flechas "arriba" y "abajo".
- There are three different types of chat. Depending on your account, and how it is setup, one or several of the chat types below may be available to you. The three types of chat available to Wizards are:
- La chat è un termine che indica due coglioni che sono su diverse postazioni PC. Qualcuno sostiene pure che sia un sistema inventato dai nazisti sopravvissuti alla seconda guerra mondiale, creato per lavare il cervello ai cerebrolesi che ne fanno uso e crearsi un fitto esercito del male (senza fonte).
- Folgender Chatlog wurde auf dem Computer eines Mädchens gefunden, welches am Vortag auf grausamste Art und Weise verstümmelt in ihrer Wohnung aufgefunden wurde: 18.4.2013: Privatchat mit Username: Lucy_Lucy betreten, 20:32 Uhr Privatchat verlassen, 21:03 Uhr Heute hat die Polizei eine weitere Mädchenleiche entdeckt, anscheinend Lucy_Lucy. Beide Mädchen hatten eines gemeinsam: Mit ihrem Blut war beide Male "Spaß" an eine Wand geschrieben worden. Die Polizei ermittelt noch in diesem Fall, aber sie werden weitere Leichen finden. Sie haben es noch nie geschaft mich zu fangen.
- Chat with people from all companies on your current server. Tab labeled Global.
* Company Chat Chat with people in your company. Tab labeled [your company].
* Clan search Chat Chat with people to get yourself accepted into a clan. Tab labeled Clan search.
* Newcomer Chat (US server only) Chat with people that are new to the game, give some advice or two. Tab labeled Newcomer.
* Clan Chat Chat with people in your Clan. (Tab only visible if you are in a Clan.) Tab labeled [clan name].
* Outfit Chat Chat with people in your Outfit. (Tab only visible if you are in an Outfit.) Tab labeled Outfit.
- Chat is the primary form of text-based communications in World of Warcraft. It is usually initiated by pressing Enter or pressing "/" to get to a command line. Voice Chat was released in Patch 2.2 along with the Chat Channels pane in the Socials window. Specifying chat channels uses slash commands. See below for basic chat channel info.
- Chat is the primary form of text-based communications in World of Warcraft. It is usually initiated by pressing Enter or pressing "/" to get to a command line. Voice Chat was released in Patch 2.2 along with the Chat Channels pane in the Socials window. Specifying chat channels uses slash commands. See below for basic chat channel info.
- Specifying chat channels uses slash commands. See below for basic chat channel info. Additional notes
* Player characters from opposing factions can only use /s, /y, or /em (say, yell, or emote) channels to communicate and all messages will be seen by the opposing faction will appear in the faction language of the speaking character, except through emotes.
* In most chat channels except the /# channels (the /2 Trade channel supports this now), you can shift-click an item to insert its name into the chat message in a clickable form that will show the item's description and stats. You can also shift-click an item name in brackets ([]), like [World Enlarger], from your bags, character window, or another chat channel into your current chat channel.
* You can also shift-click a ques
- The chat window is part of the game's interface and can be found in the bottom left corner of the screen. For a list of slang words used by players, see abbreviation. How to Chat Press ENTER to activate the chat window, then type your message normally, then press ENTER again to send the message. Types There are different types of chat depending on who you would like to talk to. Each type has it's own different color and symbol apart from common, which is the basic form of chat. How to use them
- This is the most commonly used method of communication. Here, one may talk in general chat (to everyone around), party chat (everyone in party), family chat (everyone in family), whisper (to one particular person), read system messages, or speaker (a Nosmall bought item which allows players to send a message to the whole channel).