| - Gainal'veruk, later known to the wider galaxy as Gain Alveruk - and to a select few as Darth Kardis - was a male Twi'lek who joined the Order of the Sith Lords during the dying centuries of the Galactic Republic, first as the apprentice of Darth Skiar and then as the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith and master to the Bith Darth Tenebrous. Kardis belonged to the Sith lineage begun by Darth Bane and Darth Zannah following the Seventh Battle of Ruusan almost a millennium earlier and adhered to Bane's Rule of Two, which restricted the Sith's numbers to one master and one apprentice at any given time. Publicly, Kardis led the life of Gain Alveruk, an esteemed Twi'lek scientist, doctor of medicine and member of the Pantherapeia Project, a huge scientific undertaking with the stated aim to find a cure for every known disease in the galaxy that affected sentient beings. Though his work on the Project was sincere, and Alveruk succeeded in curing a rare genetic disease that affected only Ithorians, his life as a doctor and scientist was merely a public front in order to hide his true nature from the Jedi. The lie worked, and Alveruk's true nature was never discovered. Ambitious to forward the Sith Grand Plan to overthrow the Republic and destroy the Jedi Order, and determined to live to see the plan realised, Kardis embarked on a years-long mission to create a deadly virus that would target only the Jedi. However, the plan ended in failure. Undaunted Kardis and Tenebrous created a wound in the Force, which allowed the Jedi to sense the presence of the dark side for the first time in approximately eight centuries. Eventually, however, Kardis and Tenebrous reached an impasse as to how the Sith plan should proceed, and Tenebrous killed Kardis, as the Rule of Two dictated, taking the mantle of Dark Lord for himself. Tenebrous would later take the Muun Hego Damask as his apprentice who would, in turn, assume mastery the Human Palpatine, also called Darth Sidious, who would see the Grand Plan succeed and reign as Galactic Emperor after killing the vast majority of the Jedi Order.