- Scylla(Hydrocanis raptamarina.) is an aquatic man-eater which drowns its prey. With its many dog-like heads on necks 30 to 50 feet long it has a dangerously long reach, so lingering near is not recommended. Its body length remains unknown. Odysseus fought one which dwelled in the Straits of Messina, a battle which was surveyed in Mythology. One of these creatures destroyed The Nautilus in Oceanology.
- Scylla is the opening boss battle that Kratos confronts on his journey to Atlantis. Summoned by Poseidon, she destroys everything in her path using her tentacles and arms, while also releasing small offspring (known as Scylla Brood) to do the same.
- Due to its grand importance, the leaders of The Company decided to divide Scylla into six electronic cards so it would be virtually impossible for anyone to steal all of them and unlock the information. Also, to unlock Scylla, a decoder box is required. It is found out the decoder box is in the Headquarters of The Company in Los Angeles, in front of the Gate Corporation's building. In fact, Scylla is a small portable data device containing information on alternative forms of energy, including B:Ar:Ga:In solar cells. The 6 cards thought to be Scylla are in fact simply keys to unlock the device thought to be the decoder, which is now known to be the container for the actual Scylla device. The 6 keys unlock the container, and Scylla can be removed.
- Scylla is a boss within Breath of Fire III. It is fought in conjunction with Charybdis and Gisshan in Mt. Zublo.
- Scylla in Greek legend was a ferocious many-headed sea monster. In Age of Mythology, the Scylla is an aquatic Heroic Age Greek Myth Unit available to worshippers of Dionysus.
- An evolutionary offshoot of the Zerg.
- Scylla is an MT Pilot, and later Raven appearing in Armored Core 3. He is ranked E-22 in the Arena.
- Scylla is an official Star Wars Galaxies Server, hosted by Sony Online Entertainment. Set to be shutdown October 15, 2009.
- The Scylla (スキュラ) is a giant squid in The Ocean Hunter. It is the first sub boss in Tartarus Deep.
- Scylla (スキューラ, Sukyūra Scylla?) is a kaiju that appeared in the film, The Decisive Battle in Hyperspace. Subtitle: Giant Jaw Sea-beast (巨大顎海獣, Kyodai Ago Umijū Giant Jaw Sea-beast?)
- Scylla is the daughter of Keto and Phorcys and one of the two monsters in Greek mythology (the other being Charybdis) that lived on either side of a narrow channel of water. The two sides of the strait were within an arrow's range of each other — so close that sailors attempting to avoid Charybdis would pass too close to Scylla and vice versa.
- thumb|left Scylla to potężna wodna wersja Hydry. Umie uderzać w wrogie statki z siłą 20HP/s a sama ma 800 HP. Kosztuje 200 złota i 15 many więc jest bardzo tania. Scyllę można stworzyć w Stoczni gdy jest się w erze heroicznej i gdy wybrało się Dionizosa (ang. Dionysus)
- Scylla (スキュウレ Sukyūre, pronounced "skyoo-leh") is a soldier and pirate wench, and proud of it! The second strongest of the Seacon Space Pirate crew, Scylla uses her powerful Skelaser-Armed beast mode in battle. Very fast under water, her greatest attack is the "Kiss of Death." Put delicately, despite her manifold virtues, Scylla is not the brightest of the Seacons. But they still love her. Scylla combines with her fellow Seacon pirates to form God Neptune.
- Scylla era un terribile mostro a dodici zampe, con il torso di donna e sei ringhianti teste canine, capace di lanciare potentissime magie. Confinata come spirito all'interno dell'Asta antica custodita nelle profondità di Eureka, aveva il compito di sfidare il valore di chiunque volesse impossessarsi dell'arma.
- Abandoned at a too young age by her mother, Scylla had a sad and unhappy childhood, marked by the teasing and flattering of the court. It's not easy being a Vortex princess in the shadow of a father who ignores you, with Shaakarti Cr as your only friend. Hatred, resentment, and anger grew within her and finally gave her the strength to stand up for herself. From now on, she's determined to lead her life in her own sweet way. She's at war and will soon be able to place the head of the rebellion at the foot of the Crystal throne.
- Scylla - wyspa położona na Morzu Wewnętrznym, na zachód od Półwyspu Ulatyjskiego, i na południowy-wschód od swej bliźniaczej wyspy Charybdy. Największe miasto to Skyllo. Kategoria:Geografia Kategoria:Scylla i Charybda Kategoria:Wanadia
- Scylla is a horrible sea-monster, consisting of the torso of a sexy naiad, a ring of four to six dog heads around the waist, a set of cephalopod tentacles in place of legs, six heads on long necks, with horrible faces and three rows of teeth each, which somehow share between them a total of four eyes. Scylla lives in Naples and was created from a Naiad through a curse.
- Scylla führt pro Runde zwei Angriffe aus. In der NES-Version verfügt sie lediglich über Flare, während sie in der 3D-Version auch Sanctus und Blitzga wirken kann. Ihre physische Attacken können Stein verursachen.
- Scylla es un planeta del Sistema Messina mencionado en Sangre de los Chozo.
- The Mega Battleship Scylla is a Layil Empire vessel encountered in STAGE - II.A of Sine Mora. It is fought by Myryan Magusa as a minor boss shortly before she engages the much more powerful Melkor defense station. The battleship does not carry much in the way of firepower and poses little threat.
- A type of monster that lives in the ocean and has a lower body resembling octopus tentacles. Many individuals have personalities that are strong-willed, and a little bit ferocious. They attack ships traveling at sea, stealing food and men. They possess the ability to hide in tiny crevices which one wouldn't think they'd be able to fit in. While they have a strong side, they also have a cowardly nature as well. Because of this, when danger approaches they hide in those kinds of crevices. Also, they've been known to use such crevices as hiding places from which to launch sudden tentacle attacks on men who happen to be passing by, so be wary.
- Scylla was a horrible sea monster with four eyes, six long necks equipped with grisly heads, each of which contained three rows of sharp teeth. Her body consisted of twelve tentacle-like legs and a cat's tail and with four to six dog-heads ringing her waist. She was one of the children of Phorcys and Ceto. Some sources, including Stesichorus, cite her parents as Triton and Lamia. The idiom 'between Scylla and Charybdis' has come to mean being between two dangers, choosing either of which brings harm.
- Scylla is a recurring monster of the Etrian Odyssey series. She first appears as a stratum boss in Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard, as the boss of the Frozen Grounds, and as a monster of significant relevance to the story, revealing part of the Overlord's intentions on his rule over the labyrinth. In her human life, she was purportedly a War Magus, and served as the leader of guild Esbat. Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight reveals more information on Scylla's backstory, establishing that, while human, she was Artelinde's sister, and her name was Marguerite.
- Scylla (スキュウレ Sukyūre, pronounced "skyoo-la") is a pirate wench, and proud of it! The second strongest of the Seacon Space Pirate team, Scylla uses her powerful beast mode in battle. Very fast under water, her greatest attack is the "Kiss of Death." Scylla fell madly in love with the Maximal Scuba at first sight, and pursues him tirelessly... in spite of the fact that the Maximal Bighorn is in love with her, a fact to which she seems quite oblivious. Put delicately, despite her manifold virtues, Scylla is not the brightest of the Seacons. But they still love her.
- Ships passing through the Straight of Messina/Roving Rocks between Sicily and Italy had a choice; sail closer to Scylla, or closer to her partner, Charybdis. If they chose Scylla, then she would snatch up six sailors, one for each head, from the deck of the ship. (Any attempt to cheat her would result in her picking up the whole ship and bringing it to her lair.) Charybdis, the whirlpool, would swallow thousands of gallons of seawater and random times and then belch the water back out an unspecified time later. If a ship was caught here at the wrong time, it would be swallowed whole.
- thumb|Scylla-Darstellung auf einer griechischen Vase Die Scylla (auch Skylla, altgriechisch Σκύλλα) war eine Nymphe, die von den Göttern in ein Seeungeheuer mit sechs Köpfen und zwölf Beinen verwandelt wurde. In einer anderen Version besteht ihr Körper aus miteinander verwachsenen Hunden, die sie durch ihr Gebell vor Eindringlingen warnten, während sie den Oberkörper und Kopf einer menschlichen Frau hat. Sie besaß auch Fangarme, mit denen sie ihre Beute ergriff. Die Scylla ernährt sich von Delphinen, Haien, Robben und Seemännern, deren Schiffe sie versenkt.
- The Scylla was a sea monster with six heads, who lived a dark cave to eat sailors. During the voyage of Odysseus to return to his kingdom, the crew of the Argo found Scylla and Charybdis, but was guided by past Tethys and the Nereids, Ulysses also found Scylla and she swallowed six of his men. Fighting monsters fiercely they escaped through awaterfall, but were eaten by Charybdis. Later the monster shot to fame, becoming a passage quoted in The Odyssey, where it is described as: "And that's where dwelleth Scylla, yelping terribly His voice really is not greater than the voice of a newborn calf, but a monster it is terrible, and no expression on his pleasure., not a god I knew she really is 12 feet all dangling down; .. and more than six long necks, and on each head a horrible, and that's w
- It is located in the Oort cloud (beyond the reaches of Pluto), where comets originate before falling inward to the Sol System. Although being a compressed field of gravity as strong as the largest star, Scylla does not behave like one, or else it would be a second, dark sun, turning Sol system into a binary star system. In actuality, Scylla has negligible effect on surrounding space (although Pluto's irregular orbit might be a result of this). Scylla sucks anything as close as 30,000k down into the singularity at its core; however beyond that threshold there is no effect, and Scylla is detectable only by extremely specialized equipment, even as close as 100,000k. This makes Scylla a dangerous hazard.
- Release date: 24 March, 2015 The Scylla update brought a major change to the EVE launcher that cut hours off of the download time. The new 'download-on-demand' launcher only downloaded EVE's most basic files and downloaded the rest while in-game.
- Scylla is one of the two monsters in Greek mythology (the other being Charybdis) that lived on either side of a narrow channel of water (associated with the Strait of Messina). The two sides of the channel were so close to each other that sailors attempting to avoid Charybdis would pass too close to Scylla. In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus was forced to choose between losing six men to Scylla or risking to lose all his men to Charybdis. Odysseus ends up losing six men to Scylla and he takes one of their empty spots to aid in rowing the ship.
- Michael ha seguido a Gretchen/Susan y a Whistler a Los Ángeles. La pareja se encuentra negociando por "la tarjeta", un disco con datos muy importantes de la Compañía y Whistler mata al actual propietario en vez de pagar por él. Antes de que él y Gretchen terminen su misión, Michael llega, planeando matarlos como venganza por la muerte de Sara. Gretchen afirma que Sara está viva, pero antes de que pueda agregar algo más, la policía llega por un asesinato cometido por Whistler. Sin decirle a Gretchen, Whistler hace una copia de la tarjeta y se la dá a un representante de la Compañía quedandose él con el original. Cuando el General Wyatt se entera de esto ordena a un asesino de la Compañía que maté a Gretchen. Lincoln todavía se encuentra en Panamá junto con Sofía y LJ, cuando Michael le llam