| - Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 09:46, March 9, 2014 (UTC)
- Rockstar Games även kallat (R*) är ett datorspelsföretag stationerat i New York med flera utvecklingsstudior, studior som listas nedan. Företaget släpper sina spel genom Take Two Interactive, även kallat T2 eller bara Take Two. Rockstar Games skapades 1998 av Sam och Dan Houser, Terry Donovan, Jamie King och Gary Foreman.
- thumb|200px|Rockstar Games Rockstar Games (також відома як Rockstar NYC) є виробником відеоігор, та належить видавцю відеоігор Take-Two Interactive. Бренд найбільш відомий серією Grand Theft Auto. Головний офіс знаходиться в Нью-Йорку, США. Rockstar Games було створено в 1998-му році Семом Гаузером, Террі Донованом, Деном Гаузер, Джеймі Кінгом та Гері Форменом. На сьогодні керівниками студії є Сем та Ден Гаузери, та Гері Дейл, колишній керуючий директор Capcom, котрий приєднався до Rockstar Games, після відходу Террі Донована.
- La Rockstar Games è, insieme alla Rockstar North e alla Rockstar Leeds, la casa sviluppatrice della serie di GTA.
- Rockstar Games is a video game company employed by Take-Two whose headquarters are in New York City, New York. The company is best known for its sandbox video games, notably the Grand Theft Auto series, which is developed by Rockstar North.
- miniatur|Rockstar-Games-Logo Rockstar Games (oft einfach nur Rockstar genannt bzw. durch R* oder 18px|link=Rockstar Games abgekürzt) ist eine Tochtergesellschaft von Take 2 Interactive, unter deren Namen weltweit Computer- und Videospiele vertrieben werden. Gegründet wurde Rockstar im Jahr 1998 von Sam Houser, Terry Donovan, Dan Houser, Jamie King und Gary J. Foreman in New York City. Alle fünf Gründungsmitglieder arbeiteten zuvor schon bei BMG Interactive bzw. Take 2 zusammen. Eine ihrer bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Spielereihen ist die Grand-Theft-Auto-Serie.
- Rockstar Games is a development division of video game publisher Take-Two Interactive. The brand is most known for the Grand Theft Auto series. Rockstar Games was founded in 1998 by Sam Houser, Dan Houser, Terry Donovan, Jamie King and Gary Foreman.
- The Rockstar Games label was founded in 1998 by Sam Houser, Terry Donovan, Dan Houser, Jamie King and Gary Foreman. Donovan has since left the company, to be replaced by former Capcom managing director, Gary Dale. Dale, along with Sam and Dan Houser is the leadership now.
- When Lars' found out that his games where being downloaded for free, he clenched his fists tight and shook them in the air before he threw his shoe at a pot-plant and ran into his room to sulk for hours. Lars' spent 3 weeks crying his eyes out & calling Napster a bunch of "doo doo brains" before he decided to come out of the closet and hold a press conference to announce just how much of a pooh-pooh-head he thought the guy running Napstar was. Lars' then called out an open challenge to whoever was behind Napstar to come out and face Lars' like a man. Boy, to man. Man, to boy. Sookey-Sookey Lars Lars, to Man.
- Rockstar Games is the game publisher most famous for creating the Grand Theft Auto series, but has made other successful games, such as table tennis.
- right|260px Rockstar Games - amerykański producent gier komputerowych, część wydawcy gier Take-Two Interactive. Firma jest najbardziej znana z serii gier Grand Theft Auto i Midnight Club. Do firmy należy 10 studiów, które zostały albo stworzone przez firmę, albo przejęte i przemianowane przez Rockstar. Rockstar Games zostało stworzone w Nowym Jorku w stanie Nowy Jork przez Sama Housera, Terry'ego Donovana, Dana Housera, Jamiego Kinga i Gary'ego Foremana. Centrala Rockstar Games znajduje się na Broadwayu w Nowym Jorku i jest częścią biur Take-Two Interactive.
- Rockstar Games is opgericht in 1998 door Sam Houser, Terry Donovan, Dan Houser, Jamie King en Gary Foreman. Donovan heeft Rockstar Games verlaten en is vervangen door Capcom, Gary Dale.
- Rockstar Games ist ein Entwickler, sowie Hersteller, der 1997 von Sam Houser, Terry Donovan, Dan Houser, Jamie King und Gary Foreman gegründet wurde. Die wohl bekannteste Videospielserie dieser Firma ist wohl Grand Theft Auto. Rockstar Games hat eine Menge verschiedene Entwickler-Studios, die auf dem ganzen Globus verteilt sind.
- Многие студии в составе Take-Two Interactive были позже переименованы и стали частью Rockstar Games. Rockstar Games была создана в 1998 году Сэмом Хаузером, Терри Донованом, Дэном Хаузером, Джейми Кингом и Гэри Форменом.
- Rockstar Games is a prominent videogame developer and publisher. It has acquired the rights to the Max Payne franchise from Remedy Entertainment and is has developed Max Payne 3 primarily in the Rockstar Vancouver studio. The Rockstar label is renowned for its Grand Theft Auto, Midnight Club, and Red Dead game series. The company is owned by Take-Two Interactive.
- Rockstar Games, antes conocido como BMG Interactive, es el desarrollador de videojuegos adquirido por el publicador de juegos Take-Two Interactive. La marca es conocida mayormente por la saga Grand Theft Auto. La etiqueta de los juegos de Rockstar fue fundada en 1998 por Sam Houser y Dan Houser para crear la hospitalidad interactiva más innovadora y más progresiva.
- Rockstar Games is a British video game developer and publisher based in the United States, owned by Take-Two Interactive. The brand is mostly known for the Grand Theft Auto, Max Payne, Midnight Club and now the Red Dead series and the use of open world settings in their games. It comprises studios that have been acquired and renamed as well as others that have been created internally. While many of the studios Take-Two Interactive has acquired have been merged into the Rockstar brand, several other recent ones have retained their previous identities and have become part of the company's 2K Games division. The Rockstar Games label was founded in New York City in 1998 by the English video game producers Sam Houser, Dan Houser, Terry Donovan, Jamie King and Gary Foreman.
- In addition to Midnight Club, Rockstar Games has a number of very successful franchises including Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead, and Max Payne. Rockstar's parent company is Take-Two Interactive.
- Rockstar Games is a multinational video game developer and publisher based in New York City, owned by Take-Two Interactive following its purchase of British video game publisher BMG Interactive. The brand is mostly known for Grand Theft Auto, Max Payne, L.A. Noire, The Warriors, Bully, Manhunt, Midnight Club, State of Emergency, and Red Dead, series and the use of open world, free roaming settings in their games. It comprises studios that have been acquired and renamed as well as others that have been created internally. While many of the studios Take-Two Interactive has acquired have been merged into the Rockstar brand, several other recent ones have retained their previous identities and have become part of the company's 2K Games division. The Rockstar Games label was founded in New York
- Rockstar Games (oft einfach nur Rockstar genannt bzw. durch R* abgekürzt) ist eine Tochtergesellschaft von Take 2 Interactive, unter deren Namen in den USA und anderen Ländern Computer- und Videospiele vertrieben werden. Gegründet wurde Rockstar im Jahr 1998 von Sam Houser, Terry Donovan, Dan Houser, Jamie King und Gary J. Foreman in New York. Alle fünf Gründungsmitglieder arbeiteten zuvor schon bei BMG Interactive bzw. Take 2 zusammen. Das letzte derzeit in die Rockstar-Familie integrierte Studio ist Rockstar New England.
- thumb|Logo de Rockstar Games|155pxRockstar Games est la division de développement de l'éditeur de jeux vidéo Take-Two Interactive. La marque est surtout connue pour la série des Grand Theft Auto. Il est composé de studios qui ont été acquis et rebaptisés ainsi que d'autres qui ont été créés en interne. Alors que la plupart des studios que Take-Two a acquis ont été regroupés dans la marque Rockstar, plusieurs autres récents ont conservé leur identité et font désormais partie de la division 2K Games comme Firaxis Games. Le label Rockstar Games fut fondé en 1998 par Sam Houser, Terry Donovan, Dan Houser, Jamie King et Gary Foreman. Donovan a depuis quitté l'entreprise, et a été remplacé par l'ancien directeur général de Capcom, Gary Dale. Dale, ainsi que Sam et Dan Houser, sont maintenant les
- Rockstar Games on kattobrändi usealle Take-Two Interactiven ostamalle videopelien kehittäjäfirmalle. Rockstar Gamesin tunnetuin pelisarja on Grand Theft Auto. Muita pelejä ovat mm. Midnight Club -autopelisarja, The Warriors elokuvaan perustuva saman niminen peli ja kovan kohun aiheuttanut peli koulukiusaamisesta: Bully (Euroopassa nimellä Canis Canem Edit). Rockstar on myös julkaissut Max Payne -pelit. Vaikka monet Take-Twon ostamista studioista on mennyt Rockstar Gamesin alaisuuteen, niin monet uusimmista hankinnoista ovat 2K Games -brändin alla. Rockstar Gamesin alaisuudessa on seuraavat yritykset:Rockstar Leeds, Rockstar San Diego, Rockstar Toronto, Rockstar Vancouver. Mutta puolestaan Rockstar North on osa Rockstar Games yhtiötä. T:Masi Cipriani Ps:Minä tein tämän artikkelin. Luokka:GT