| - The Builder Forge was installed on the surface of Kashyyyk by the Rakata during the reign of the Infinite Empire, sometime before 33,598 BBY. Its purpose was initially the monitoring of a planet-wide agricultural reformation, that Kashyyyk had to undergo due to its inability to sustain sufficient levels of production. However, a malfunction in 33,357 BBY, 241 standard years after its last interaction with the builders, caused the project to continue well past the point at which it was meant to stop, resulting in the overgrowth of the giant wroshyr trees, as well as in the accelerated evolution of various species. The installation also included a Star Map, an artifact holding the hyperspace coordinates of the Star Forge, the seat of power of the Rakata. When Darth Revan discovered it in 396
| - The Builder Forge was installed on the surface of Kashyyyk by the Rakata during the reign of the Infinite Empire, sometime before 33,598 BBY. Its purpose was initially the monitoring of a planet-wide agricultural reformation, that Kashyyyk had to undergo due to its inability to sustain sufficient levels of production. However, a malfunction in 33,357 BBY, 241 standard years after its last interaction with the builders, caused the project to continue well past the point at which it was meant to stop, resulting in the overgrowth of the giant wroshyr trees, as well as in the accelerated evolution of various species. The installation also included a Star Map, an artifact holding the hyperspace coordinates of the Star Forge, the seat of power of the Rakata. When Darth Revan discovered it in 3961 BBY, he retrofitted the computer with a Basic-speaking holocron interface which was meant to restrict access to himself, and also erased the Star Map data access history. Since then, the computer recorded various attempts, all denied, until Revan returned in 3956 BBY with former Jedi Jolee Bindo, seeking access to the Star Map. While in exile on Kashyyyk, Jolee happened to discover the huge computer. He tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to communicate with it 152 times. Freyyr, a Wookiee Chieftain who had been living in the Shadowlands for 19 years then, also attempted to examine the machine three times, and like Jolee, could not get it to respond to his commands. A preliminary neural recognition granted the amnesiac Revan restricted access, but he had to answer a series of questions for a behavioral reconfiguration of the subject due to its new identity. This section of the article assumes that the player chooses only "light side" options in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Alternate stories are noted in the "Behind the scenes" section. Note: The events in this section may or may not have been confirmed as canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity. Unfortunately for the duo, Revan's questions did not match the expected answers, and two defense droids were activated for an alternative neural scan involving battle. The droids were defeated and Revan was granted access to the Star Map, as according to the computer, his emotions in battle matched the patterns it had in its data banks. Assumption ends here.