This is the list of School career opportunities.
Attributes | Values |
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| - This is the list of School career opportunities.
| - "Work For a Day" at the office building between 8 AM and 6 PM on non-school days and go to school.
- "Fix Boiler" at the school between 7 AM and 10 PM and go to school.
- Bring a relic to school.
- Bring an apple to school.
- Deliver permission slips to the city hall.
- Gain a level in Charisma skill and go to school.
- Gain a level in Writing skill and go to school.
- Get "Honor Student" moodlet and go to school.
- Get a job and go to school.
- "Research Science Facility" at the science lab between 8 AM and 6 PM.
- Stay late at school.
- Read "Demand Excellence or You'll Get Mediocrity" and go to school.
- Deliver a fish to the science lab between 7 AM and 10 PM.
- Become friends with the target Sim and go to school.
- Travel to Champs Les Sims, interview a local Sim, and go to school.
- "Research Supermarket" at the grocery between 2 PM and 6 PM and go to school.
- "Attend Free Game" at the stadium between 11 AM and 3 PM on weekends and go to school.
- "Attend Study Group" at the school between 6 AM and 6 PM.
- "Clean Bug Cage" at the school between 2 PM and 7 PM.
| - *Charisma skill level 0-9
*School rabbit hole
- *City hall rabbit hole
*School rabbit hole
- *Grocery rabbit hole
*School rabbit hole
- *Have B grade
*School rabbit hole
- *Have D grade
*School rabbit hole
- *Have a non-friend schoolmate
*School rabbit hole
- *Office building rabbit hole
*School rabbit hole
- *School rabbit hole
- *School rabbit hole
*Stadium rabbit hole
- *School rabbit hole
- *Science lab rabbit hole
*School rabbit hole
- *Writing skill level 0-9
*School rabbit hole
| - N/A
- *Once per Sim
*Received at school
- *Repeatable
*Received at school
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| - *§500
- *§250
- *+20 Job performance
- *+20 School performance
- *+20 School performance
*Variable cash
- *+20 School performance
- *+25 School performance
- *+45 School performance
- *+20 School performance
*+20 Relationship with schoolmates
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| - Research Project
- The Boiler Room
- A Fishy Science Project
- After School Employment
- After School Study Hours
- An Apple for Teacher
- Archeology Exhibit
- Cultural Interview
- Don't Fail!
- Free Game
- Late Night Study Session
- Outside Reading
- Pile of Permission Slips
- Schoolyard Chums
- Stinky Bugs
- The Honor Roll
- The Research Project
- The Writing Club
- Work/School Learning Project
- Young Politician's Club Induction
| - The Stadium has provided the school with a handful of free tickets to an upcoming game. Students who take advantage of this opportunity will receive a boost to their school performance. Get to The Stadium before the game ends and your grades will surely improve.
- Your teacher needs you to drop off a massive stack of permission slips at City Hall. This needs to happen quickly, so ride over to City Hall and leave them with the paper pushers. Your school performance will improve as a result of your kind assistance.
- The school counselor made an announcement on the loud speaker this morning to inform all students that a buddy system is being encouraged. This new buddy system is to reward students who develop friendships with fellow students. You should become 's Friend to improve your school performance!
- A note was passed with a rumor that the teacher likes apples. You should bring an apple to school for the teacher to improve your school performance!
- You were just given an assignment to write a paper on a local business. Luckily, the Supermarket is working with the school and has invited you to their store to show you how things work. Go to the Supermarket to gather research for your paper and you'll improve your school performance.
- Local employers would like to give students a chance to work and learn at the same time. You have been given a chance to work at the . You can earn some cash and also improve your school performance at the same time!
- The School's boiler has begun to break down and somebody needs to fix it. However, the school's budget is already running low, and they can't afford a professional repair technician. If you can fix the boiler before it steams over, the school will pay you for your time. Your school performance will also increase.
- The Mayor's office wants to see more students on the honor roll so that it can request additional school funding from the regional government. The mayor guarantees a cash reward to every student who makes it onto the honor roll. That reward can be yours if you work hard and do all of your homework!
- The teacher thinks the class can benefit from an after school study session. All students that stay late will improve their school performance. Stick around to learn a bit more about your studies.
- The teacher needs someone to come in after school to clean the classroom bug cage. It's a nasty job, but somebody needs to do it! If you manage to clean the cage before the deadline, your school performance will be increased.
- The mayor's office is promoting a new initiative to improve grades and school performance to appeal to families thinking about moving to town. The mayor guarantees a cash reward to every student that makes it onto the honor roll. That reward can be yours if you can maintain good grades!
- A small Collection of Relics are on display in the school foyer and the school is asking for student contributions. Specifically, a Common Relic from Egypt or China. If you can deliver one, you'll earn some money and your School Performance will improve too.
- You have been given an assignment to research the local Science Facility. The folks in charge of the lab have generously offered to help you with your research if you stop by to get a tour of the facility in time. Go to the Science Facility to gather research to improve your school performance.
- Your teacher wants you to read "Demand Excellence or You'll Get Mediocrity," a book that should prepare you for your post-school career. Your school performance will improve after reading the book.
- Your guidance counselor has noticed that your grades are lacking. In an effort to prevent you from failing, the counselor has set up an extra study group to give you the grade boost you need. Attend the study group to improve your school performance!
- The school newspaper is doing its annual Culture Edition and you've been asked to do research for the feature article. Interview a Sim from France to get the scoop on their homeland. If you complete this, your School Performance is sure to improve.
- The Science Facility has partnered with the school to conduct a fishing project. However, they are running low on the fish for the experiment. You've been asked to bring a fish to the Science Facility before the experiment begins. Your school performance will increase as a reward.
- The teacher thinks the class can benefit from an after school study session. All students that stay late will improve their school performance. Stick around to learn a thing or two!
- The Young Politician's Club wants you to join, but first you must improve your Charisma skill. Take a Charisma skill class or use an appropriate object, then return to school with your new knowledge. Your school performance will increase.
- The School Writing Club is looking for new authors to join their ranks. You should take a Writing class, or try out Writing on the computer so you can join. Your school performance will increase from learning the Writing skill.
- Your school's work/study program doesn't have time to find a job for you, so they'd like you to go out and find a part-time job on your own. Get a part-time job in town to improve your school performance.
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| - This opportunity only exists in the game files.
- Despite the opportunity description, the relic does not have to be from Egypt or China.
| - 6(xsd:integer)
- 259200.0
- 518400.0
- Next school day
| - This is the list of School career opportunities.