Durotan challenges to mak'gora in an effort to save the few remaining orcs of his clan from being killed by Gul'dan and his supporters. Gul'dan is revealed to be physically much more impressive than his robes and hunched form suggest, but still Durotan appears to be winning the fight. However, Gul'dan cheats and uses his life draining power to sap Durotan of his life force and strength, ultimately allowing him to kill Durotan. The Horde sees Gul'dan's tactics as dishonorable, but they fear to challenge his power or question his victory.
Despite having lost the mak'gora and his life, Durotan dies with honor while he succeeds in damaging Gul'dan's reputation in the eyes of the Horde, especially after they refuse Gul'dan's order to kill after he kills in mak'gora.