| - The Eastern Havenic Empire of Cravan and her Overseas Dominions, Eastern Havenic Empire, or simply Cravan, is a Havenic nation, the central home isles of which is located on the eastern fringe of the region. The Empire is comprised of six Constituent Countries: Camden, Meddlesworth, Tillingham, Sapin, Callander, and Cortenshire; the former three a part of the home isles and often referred to as the "Home Countries." The Empire also possesses two Overseas Territories: Carpanthium and Aurde. Five of the six Countries are located in Haven, while Cortenshire is located in the region of Arterus. Carpanthium is located in Haven, on the northeastern coastline of Northford, along with Aurde, an island located northwest of Alacea.
| - The Eastern Havenic Empire of Cravan and her Overseas Dominions, Eastern Havenic Empire, or simply Cravan, is a Havenic nation, the central home isles of which is located on the eastern fringe of the region. The Empire is comprised of six Constituent Countries: Camden, Meddlesworth, Tillingham, Sapin, Callander, and Cortenshire; the former three a part of the home isles and often referred to as the "Home Countries." The Empire also possesses two Overseas Territories: Carpanthium and Aurde. Five of the six Countries are located in Haven, while Cortenshire is located in the region of Arterus. Carpanthium is located in Haven, on the northeastern coastline of Northford, along with Aurde, an island located northwest of Alacea. The Eastern Havenic Empire is a constitutional monarchy, operating a working parliamentary democracy, with His Imperial Majesty Robert the Second of Cravan as head of state and reigning monarch. The Right Honorable Elizabeth Annadale currently serves as the nation's thirty-fourth Primary Director, elected into office in June of 2007. Cravan is considered to be a major player on the Havenic stage, one of several of the more influential nations of the region with close ties to other neighboring countries under its sphere of influence. Cravan boasts a booming economy, comprised mostly of information technology markets. The cecat is the xxx most powerful currency in Haven, after the Hamptonian Krone. On the international stage, Cravan is a member of the New Alliance Treaty Organization as well as a founding member of the now defunct GASN and a former member of the equally defunct ISAF.