| - A Travel Robe is a Robe-class bodywear available in both Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age. It is sold in armor vendors at Bilibin in Golden Sun and at Alhafra and Garoh in The Lost Age. Being a Robe-class piece of body protection, a Travel Robe can be equipped on mage-style Adepts, namely Ivan and Mia in the first game, along with Jenna and Sheba in the second. It is, in fact, one of Mia's initial equipment when she joins Isaac's party in the first game. It increases the equipped Adept's base Defense rating by 10 points. Its buy value is 200 coins and its sell value is 150 coins. In Golden Sun when Travel Robes can first be bought in Bilibin, it is not really a good thing to buy because it is only a few defense points higher than what Ivan might already be wearing, the Travel Vest. The 200 coins that could be spent on a Travel Robe are better spent on Bilibin's other, outright excellent-in-comparison wares. Only if you have so much money to burn that you already completely upgraded all the other equipment in the party would this be viable. Note that Mia joins the party equipped with this, and while it would suffice through the Mercury Lighthouse dungeon, once the town Imil goes back to normal and its equipment vendors open up the Adept's Clothes are available to buy, which would be a worthy replacement for Mia's Travel Robe. In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, Travel Robes run into much the same problems as in the previous game; Your two mage-style Adepts Jenna and Sheba will most likely both be equipped with Travel Vests. If Jenna is still wearing her One-Piece Dress from the outset, a Travel Robe for her would be a somewhat more solid buy.