The Second Robotech War was a conflict between the forces of Earth, primarily between the Army of the Southern Cross and the Robotech Masters, in and around the planet itself. The conflict began on January of 2029. The war resulted in the destruction of the Robotech Masters fleet and the accidental release of a vast number of spores from the Flower of Life, which spread across Earth.
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| - The Second Robotech War was a conflict between the forces of Earth, primarily between the Army of the Southern Cross and the Robotech Masters, in and around the planet itself. The conflict began on January of 2029. The war resulted in the destruction of the Robotech Masters fleet and the accidental release of a vast number of spores from the Flower of Life, which spread across Earth.
- In the fictional world of Robotech, the Second Robotech War (2029–2030) was a conflict between the earth-based United Earth Forces (UEF), including the elite Army of the Southern Cross, and the alien Robotech Masters. The Second Robotech War ended in a Pyrrhic victory for the Army of the Southern Cross, weakening the Earth's defense forces and providing the motivation for the Invid who were seeking the Invid Flower of Life to invade less than a year later in the spring or summer of 2031.
| - Nine motherships, unknown number of smaller vessels, unknown number of Bioroid combat mecha, Unknown number of personnel
- Unknown number of personnel, a fleet of over one hundred and fifty space warships and an unknown number of combat mecha
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| - Recovery of the SDF-1's protoculture factory
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| - The Robotech Masters entire space fleet, virtually their entire military, and most of their civilian population aboard the space fleet
- Complete destruction of the cities Newton and Manville, Severe damage to the capital of Monument city, Severe damage to primary and secondary military bases, Severe damage to industrial facilities, Extreme losses in personnel and spacecraft, unknown civilian casualties
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| - the Robotech Masters
- The United Earth Forces , including the elite Army of the Southern Cross
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| - The Second Robotech War was a conflict between the forces of Earth, primarily between the Army of the Southern Cross and the Robotech Masters, in and around the planet itself. The conflict began on January of 2029. The war resulted in the destruction of the Robotech Masters fleet and the accidental release of a vast number of spores from the Flower of Life, which spread across Earth.
- In the fictional world of Robotech, the Second Robotech War (2029–2030) was a conflict between the earth-based United Earth Forces (UEF), including the elite Army of the Southern Cross, and the alien Robotech Masters. The Second Robotech War ended in a Pyrrhic victory for the Army of the Southern Cross, weakening the Earth's defense forces and providing the motivation for the Invid who were seeking the Invid Flower of Life to invade less than a year later in the spring or summer of 2031.