| - The Perlemain Offensive was a large campaign, mounted by the New Republic, in order to liberate the Inner Rim. The offensive was masterminded by Admiral Ack'bar and was carried out by Grand General Uten Harajj. The Republic fielded a large army, code-named the Perlemain Task Force. The Perlemain spatial salient was protected by the 203rd Imperial Mechanized Corps, which was under strength, ill-equipped and inexperienced. Harajj's plan was to break through the thinnest part of the salient, at Carida. This would allow them to break through the Inner Rim in one go, and attack Coruscant.
| - The Perlemain Offensive was a large campaign, mounted by the New Republic, in order to liberate the Inner Rim. The offensive was masterminded by Admiral Ack'bar and was carried out by Grand General Uten Harajj. The Republic fielded a large army, code-named the Perlemain Task Force. The Perlemain spatial salient was protected by the 203rd Imperial Mechanized Corps, which was under strength, ill-equipped and inexperienced. Harajj's plan was to break through the thinnest part of the salient, at Carida. This would allow them to break through the Inner Rim in one go, and attack Coruscant. General Seth Yteric, commanding the 203rd, was ordered by Director Ysane Isard to hold onto the Inner Rim at all costs. However, he knew this task to be impossible, and instead focussed on halting the Republic forces at specific gateways to the Core Worlds, and abandoning other planets, in order to concentrate his defense. He hoped to concentrate this defense along the so-called "Palpatine Line", a fortified line of planets, including Talasea, Hok and the republic objective: Carida.