| - Vanstrom é um dos mais antigos Vampyros que vieram de Vampyrium. Isso significa que a algum ponto de sua vida , já serviu ao deus Zaros sobre os controles do Lorde Drakan. depois da queda do Vale Sagrado , Vanstrom foi apontado com uma missão de procurar e destruir o único Icyene restante do lugar , Safalaan. então ai que solve fazer um plano de se infiltrar nos Myreques através do Jogador.
- Vanstom Klause is één van de Vyrewatch, hij kan zelfs de rechterhand van Lord Drakan genoemd worden. Hij heeft de taak om de Myreque (een verzetsbeweging) op te sporen en uit te schakelen. Eerst vraagt hij hiervoor de hulp van spelers tijdens de In Search of the Myreque quest. Daarom moeten de Myreque van locatie veranderen. Hij heeft waarschijnlijk ook gezorgd voor de aanval van vampieren op Ivan Strom tijdens de In Aid of the Myreque quest. In de Darkness of Hallowvale quest zie je hem praten met enkele andere vampieren. Dan valt hij ook de speler heel even aan, hij is combat level 169 maar kan nog niet worden verslagen.
- One of the main antagonists of the Myreque quest series, Vanstrom appears in several quests as well as the novels Return to Canifis and Legacy of Blood. He serves as the boss for The Branches of Darkmeyer and uses a variety of powerful attacks. He is faceable in the Dominion Tower for those who have completed the quest.
- Vanstrom, as far as anyone knows, is first met in the Hair of the Dog tavern in Canifis on a mission to locate the Myreque to supposedly give them weapons. After they were found in the In Search of the Myreque quest, Vanstrom came and brutally murdered two Myreque members, but the rest managed to escape and flee. However, Vanstrom has a mission to put the Myreque to an end and follows hot on the trail. Vanstrom is believed to have ordered Vampyre Juvinates to ambush Ivan Strom on his way to the temple. This attack failed.