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- Magnet is a fictional element for Powder Game. It could be considered as a hybrid element in that it acts like a semi-solid. When selected, the left mouse button adds the negative polarity (-), while the right mouse button adds the positive polarity (+).
- The Super Friends use alphabet magnets for their anagram board. Hank and Ben used a small magnet to sabotage the getigraph at the Seismological Bureau building. Wendy Harris described a white dwarf as a giant economy-sized flying magnet.
- thumb|Eine magnetische Dartscheibe. Ein Magnet ist ein Gegenstand, der ein Magnetfeld erzeugt und damit auf bestimmte andere Gegenstände magnetisch anziehend wirkt. Neben Permanentmagneten, die durch ihre natürlichen Eigenschaften magnetisch sind, gibt es auch Elektromagneten, die erst bei Stromfluss magnetisch werden. Allerdings sind nur wenige Metalle magnetisch, darunter Eisen.
- The Magnet is an item found in the basement of Nora T Hagg's house. It is needed for the Witch's House quest. It is found found behind a gate and you must be wearing gloves to get to it. It is used on the mouse that you lure out with cheese, in order to open the back door. The mouse then returns to its hole and unlocks the door.
- Magnet is a held item in the Pokémon games. When held by a Pokémon, it raises the power of Electric type moves.
- MaGneT of Magodonia
- A metal thing that pulls other metal things to it. Tutorial Bot found a magnet in his fake past, he used it to blow up the mini fatguy. (Space-Balls Series: "Tutorial Bot's Past") Created by:someone
- The Magnet is an item that can be found in Silent Hill. It is located on a table in the office/lounge area of Norman's Motel, and is one of the items Harry Mason must obtain to complete the Kaufmann Sidequest. Harry uses the magnet to reach the key beneath the floorboards of Room No. 3, presumed to be Michael Kaufmann's room. The small string on the magnet indicates it was previously used for something similar, if not the same purpose. The key the magnet retrieves is for the motorcycle in the motel garage, and using it triggers the cutscene that completes the sidequest.
- Magnets, contrary to their name, act like gravity fields; they pull in (or, push out) 'magnetic' objects with a customizable force. The magnet will be 'off' if the force is set to 0 Anything over 0 and the magnet will be 'on'. Because the force is a blue formula box, you can use Ruby or a formula to turn it on and off, and modify the power in real time. If a negative value is used, the magnet will repel magnetic objects.
- From the Greek μαγνήτης λίθος (magnítis líthos), magnesian stone.
- A Venus Djinni in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Image:Kraden.gif Kraden has reviewed the contents of this article and believes it could do with a bit of expansion (it is a stub). Please [:Magnet&action=edit oblige him] to meet the quality standards of the rest of this tome of knowledge.
- Magnet is an unincorporated community along the Ohio River in Tobin Township, Perry County, Indiana.
- "Magnet" (磁石(マグネット), Magunetto) is an archetype of cards used by the Triad of Terror in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL anime. It focuses on increasing the ATK of its members when one is destroyed and also includes several disruptive cards. "Magnet" cards were previously used by Yugi Muto in the second series anime and Bastion Misawa in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, but had no support until ZEXAL.
- Soft magnetic materials are magnetized and demagnetized very easily, while hard magnetic materials are very difficult to be magnetized and demagnetized. Iron is a soft magnetic materials, which is why it is used in electromagnets, steel is a hard magnetic material. Image:Fish1.gif This article is a , and is very fishy. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it, removing the non-GCSE content or improving it.
- The magnet is a giant electromagnet that is held up by the helicopter. It is driven by Barry, with a magnet that is held by chains tied onto the skids.
- A scholarship student at a prestigious prep school is murdered, and police find evidence that he was selling test answers. The killer is quickly located, but at trial, his lawyer argues that he was made paranoid by his ADHD medication.
- "Nearby items are attracted to Pac-Man" - Game Description Magnet is a Power-Up found in Pac-Man 256. When consumed, a circle will expand for a short duration, then contract back into Pac-Man, collecting any coins/pacdots that get caught inside the circle. The Magnet Power-Up requires _ Pac-Dots to be eaten before unlocked.
- Magnet is a cut artifact from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. It appears in Build 1475 in the old X18 laboratory.
- Magnet är en typ av anordning som attraherar själv till metaller såsom järn. Under 2000 när Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill träffade Martin Lloyd vid New Clover Leaf restaurang . Lloyd berättade för O'Neill om vad han visste om Stargate. O'Neill kommenterade att det fanns ett militärprojekt vid namn Stargate men berättade att det inte handlade om rymdresor utan om magneter. Lloyd trodde inte på honom. Under 2001 fick Cassandra en schack pjäs med en magnet att sväva. Hon berättade för hennes adoptivmamma Doktor Janet Fraiser att det hjälpte henne att hantera smärtan med fokusera på pjäsen. När Janet rörde vid pjäsen så var den varm efter Cassandra fokuserat hennes telekinesis förmåga på pjäsen. (SG1: "Point of No Return", "Rite of Passage")
- Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
* Hoodwink Headgear reduces AP cost from 2 to 1.
- right Magnet je ľudo zaoberajúci sa zberom železného šrotu a farebných kovov - odvodenina od magnetu (fiz.) pretože vykazuje totožné fizykálne javy. Magnetu (fiz.) je smerovo dezorientovaný a nevie kde je dole (dokázal Albert Zweistein), naopak Magnet - ľudo vie kde je dole a vie ísť aj nižšie, ako dole.
- Grant Halford, explorer and inventor, creates the "Geo-Locator." The device has magnetic abilities that allow him to find bad guys or missing persons. He decides to use it to help mankind and fight evil, going after criminals and Nazis alike as the hero known as the Magnet. Halford is assisted by his girlfriend Debby and Sidi, an African strongman.
- Magnet is Robin Gibb's sixth album as a solo artist, released in January 2003, the same week as his brother Maurice's death. This was also his first solo album in 18 years. Magnet peaked at #43 on the UK charts and #10 in Germany. Two singles from this album were released, "Please," which reached #23 in the UK, and "Wait Forever."
- A song about forbidden love between two girls, "magnet" shows the emotions involved with the prejudices of homosexuality. It is implied throughout the song that the two are very deeply in love and it is no mere fantasy or a fleeting encounter. Though their love is strong they cannot help but feel that what they are doing is wrong due to the moral value forced upon them by society.
- Ever since, magnets have been used across the world to hold important documents to paramagnetic surfaces like refrigerator doors and chalk-boards. Although further research into magnets is still on-going, there is little evidence of further applications of magnets to everyday life. Contrary to popular belief, they stick to stuff. Kind of like leeches stick to skin. But magnets don't suck blood, unless they are VAMPIRE MAGNETS which do not like sunlight.
- Built by: Owner: Capacity: Top speed: Height: Materials used: First appearance: Other appearances: The Magnet is a machine that Edd constructed in "Hands Across Ed". It is essentially a giant electromagnet intended to attract metal objects. Eddy tried to use it to attract coins, but failed both times due to failings of the magnet. This is one of Edd's more malfunction-plagued inventions, as in both of its uses it failed miserably.
- Ein Magnet ist ein Gerät, welches Eisen, andere Magnete oder Spulen anzieht. Das Ausziehen übernimmt, zumindest bei Frauen häufig, der Alkohol. Magneten bestehen entweder aus einem besonderen Eisen oder aus einer stromdurchflossenen Spule, mit oder ohne Eisenkern. Danbeben soll es auch Magneten geben, die Schmutz aus der Wäsche ziehen können. Zumindest versprach dies eine Zeit lang die Werbung. Allerdings schien dies nicht so recht zu funktionieren, denn die Werbung kommt nicht mehr.
- A magnet was an object that possessed a natural magnetic field, and therefore magnetism. Certain other materials, such as iron, were attracted to magnets while other magnets were repelled. In 2152, the crew of Enterprise NX-01 unknowingly entered a cloaked Romulan minefield where one of the mines attached itself to the hull of the ship. Commander Charles Tucker later ascertained the mine was made of a magnetic material, designed to be attracted to a starship's hull. (ENT: "Minefield")
- A Magnet is a dangerous object that produces a magnetic field. The magnetic field is a force that attracts ferromagnetic materials and attracts or repels other magnets. A magnet will harm and even erase the magnetic data in computer systems, including individuals. Bob went to buy the food without realizing that Dot is a business partner of Al's and called for takeout from him while Bob was gone. She was back to normal before a Game Cube landed, where Bob learned she was fine again.
- Horseshoe magnets are the most well-known, taking the shape of the shoe on a horse. They have appeared twice in Sonic the Comic-related publications. The first was used by Doctor Robotnik to capture Sonic the Hedgehog after seeing a similar plan used in a cartoon. Robotnik took some iron rings and painted them to look identical to the golden Rings of Mobius. The plan worked, with Sonic picking up the phony valuables and began to be drawn in. Unfortunately, Robotnik placed the magnet on tracks and Sonic's speed merely pulled the magnet over Robotnik, flattening him.
- A magnet (from Greek magnḗtis líthos, "Magnesian stone") is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field is invisible but is responsible for the most notable property of a magnet: a force that pulls on other ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, and attracts or repels other magnets. The overall strength of a magnet is measured by its magnetic moment or, alternatively, the total magnetic flux it produces. The local strength of magnetism in a material is measured by its magnetization.