- The butterfly has been in Creatures 1, 2, and 3, in many different forms. In C1, the Cloud Layer Butterfly was featured in the second object pack for the game. Helen created both the Enchanted Butterfly and the Sugar Butterfly for C2. Both are available on this page. Many other kinds of butterflies are up for download on numerous sites.
- The Butterfly is a decoration in FarmVille. It was released September 8, 2010 as a Mystery Gift.
- Wherever Ahi'aorina Culatha passed through a field, butterflies and flowers followed in her wake.
- Butterflies were flying insects that sported two pairs of large, brilliantly-colored wings. The planet Maridun was notably home to the carrier butterflies, who were often used as messengers. A species of blue-winged butterflies could be found on the Forest Moon of the planet Endor. The planet Sriluur also hosted another species of butterfly. Konkiv was home to many butterflies.
- "Butterfly" is the second episode of Haven, airing on Syfy on 16 July 2010.
- Chōsen is the only known summoner of these butterflies. He gained the contract to summon them sometime after the Land of Mountains Civil War.
* Contract::Chou Uchiha Chou was a summoner of butterflies. She mainly used them combined with her genjutsu as well as ninjutsu while fighting — often de-materialising into a swarm of butterflies.
- Butterfly is an friends fanfiction. Monica becomes pregnant after her first night with Chandler in London.
- Leland lived in California her whole life. She has never left the state or traveled for then 30 miles from home at any given time. When she found out about Massachusetts Academy she jumped at the chance to leave California and travel across the United States.
- A butterfly was an insect that usually displayed vibrant colors and patterns on its wings. Daniel Clayton collected butterflies and discovered a new species which he named after his wife Martha: Lepidoptera martha.
- A butterfly is a small insect.
- An insect species
- Dauer: 4.16 min. Interpret: Wada Kouji
- Butterflies are normally small in stature, but particular species have been known to match the wingspan of a commercial passenger jet.
- "Butterfly" is a song performed by Charlotte and Marvin in the episode, "Marvin the Middle Manager".
- Butterfly is a 1977 pinball machine produced by Sonic.
- DescriptionThe butterfly is a companion for your horses. When they play together, it'll give you all kinds of advantages:
* Dressage bonus: +3 Until 18 months: A gain in Genetic Potential for each hour of play From 20 months until 25 years old: Every 20 hours of gameplay, you win an aging point.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 624E9A
- There are three known varieties of butterfly.
* File:Butterfly (Blue).gifButterfly (Blue)
* File:Butterfly (Purple).gifButterfly (Purple)
* File:Butterfly (Red).gifButterfly (Red) File:10664.gifThere are rumours of a yellow butterfly that has not yet been seen in Tibia. These creatures have a history. Esta es una página de desambiguación, una ayuda a la navegación que cataloga páginas que de otra forma compartirían un mismo título. Si llegaste aquí a través de un enlace interno, regresa por favor para corregirlo de modo que apunte al artículo apropiado.
- This song has been featured on the album Past Songs – sideA.
- Butterfly is the third episode of Garo: Gold Storm - Sho.
- "Butterfly" (蝶(ちょう) Chō) is an archetype of monsters used by Dextra in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL anime. Members had previously existed in the TCG and OCG, but had no support until ZEXAL. The "Butterspy" archetype is also a part of this group, and not all cards with "Butterfly" in their English names are necessarily members.
- Butterfly is an enemy that appears in Bomberman 64. It flies around slowly and aimlessly, passing over Bomberman without harming him. When it recovers from being stunned with a bomb, Butterfly will be close to the ground momentarily before rising back up. During this time, it will knock Bomberman back on collision without stunning him. Butterfly takes one bomb blast to defeat, and a single Pumped Bomb thrown on top of it will smash it. When it is defeated, it will leave behind a Heart. In Hard Mode, Butterfly moves more quickly.
- Butterfly is the symbol for lightness and fickleness. In China, it symbolizes joy and bliss that is closely related to love. Butterflies also symbolize a soul or a spirit, as well as rebirth & new beginnings. Butterflies in Canadian-Aboriginal art mean new beginnings, continuation of a cycle anew etc. The Mandarin word for butterfly is hu-tieh and is a symbol of a long life, celebrating many birthdays.
- Artist: SMiLE.dk BPM: 135 First Appeared On: DanceDanceRevolution Length: 1:36 Difficulty: SP: 1/3/4/5/8 DP: 4/5/6/8
- Butterfly is the seventh episode in Season 1 of the show Rescue Me. It is the seventh overall episode.
- Chouno Michi (蝶野(ちょうの) 魅知(みち)), also known as Butterfly (バタフライ), is a scout character.
- Butterfly eli perhonen on hyönteinen RuneScapessa niitä voi pyydystää Hunter-taidolla, tarvitset butterfly netin. Perhosia on monenlaisia,tässä jonkin verran:
* Snowy knight
* Black warlock
- Butterflies are small animated creatures which flit around with fluttering motions. Butterflies cannot be interacted with by the player or any other in-game effect. They often fly up from the grass and do not rise very far.
- "Butterfly" was first performed live during the 1996 Dew Drop Inn Tour and has been played on several of Tori's tours since. Amos also performed "Butterfly" on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on February 25, 1995 to promote the Higher Learning soundtrack. (photo: )
- Butterfly is an album by Nori-P focusing on the Pop genre and featuring Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, and Camui Gackpo. It features 8 popular tracks such as both Rin and Len's versions of Migikata no Chou, drop of regret, and Hayate. It is avaliable on the iTunes store and Amazon mp3 .
- The Butterfly is a playable mascot added in the UK & Ireland Update.
- The butterfly is an insect that are found sometimes around brightly colored flowers during the daytime. Butterflies are repeatedly referenced in Ugly Betty.
- The Butterfly was released in 1997. First seen in Scala sets in 1997, it has appeared in 18 sets from 1997-2000.
- Butterfly Rolling Tobacco, also known as "The Premium European Blend Hand-rolling Tobacco" Is a brand of rolling tobacco, commonly found in Asia and Europe as well. It is available in pouches of 12.5 grams and 25 grams, which comes with the rolling paper. There are many ways to smoke it. The Butterfly White Rolling Tobacco reportedly has a very unique smell to it. It has a rich vanilla smell, similar to vanilla ice cream, and a sweet tobacco scent to it.
- In cooking, to split a food (such as shrimp) down the center, cutting almost but not completely through. The two halves are then opened flat to resemble a butterfly shape.
- Butterfly is the unofficial fan name for a fighter jet that appears in Armored Core: Master of Arena.
- Butterfly (2002) is a short movie created by Brian Bertsch
- Butterfly sind ein Nutzgegenstand aus DotA und Dota 2.
- Butterfly is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.
- Todd: Hello, and welcome back to One Hit Wonderland, where we take a look at bands and artists known for only one song. And today, we're taking a look back to the vat of toxic gunk that was early-2000s rap metal. Clips of Limp Bizkit - "My Generation", Korn - "Falling Away from Me", and Staind - "Mudshovel" Fred Durst: Take my advice You don't wanna step into a big pile of shit The captain's drunk... Todd: ...exceptions. Video for "Butterfly" Shifty Shellshock: Come, my lady Come, come, my lady You're my butterfly Todd: Sugar, baby Epic: Hey, sugar mama, come and dance with me Todd: No.
- The Teletubbies come down the slide, run outside for a Big Hug and fall down. Then the Magic Windmill Spins and so they watch some childern look at Butterflies with Andy Brown. The Teletubbies fly their kites, Laa Laa goes to play with her Ball and gives her kite to Dipsy, he decides to play with Laa Laa and gives the kites to Tinky Winky, then the decides to play with them and gives he kites to Po and the strong wind blows Po all over Teletubbyland, she flies over the House, the other Teletubbies can't believe she's up in the sky, then she comes back down, she floats down into the hole at the top of the House and down the slide. The Teletubbies love Po very much. The Teletubbies do the Jumping Dance before Tubby Bye Bye.
- The butterfly is a creature with the ability to fly. They are related to moths, and it have four states in life: egg, pupa, larva and adult. In 1991 some butterflies could be found near Rubeus Hagrid's cabin. In 1993, shortly after Rubeus Hagrid was sent to Azkaban and Albus Dumbledore was suspended as Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley had to follow some spiders to which Ron protested and asked why Hagrid didn't say Follow the butterflies.
- A butterfly is a mainly day-flying insect of the order Lepidoptera, which includes the butterflies and moths. Like other holometabolous insects, the butterfly's life cycle consists of four parts: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Most species are diurnal. Butterflies have large, often brightly coloured wings, and conspicuous, fluttering flight. Butterflies comprise the true butterflies (superfamily Papilionoidea), the skippers (superfamily Hesperioidea) and the moth-butterflies (superfamily Hedyloidea). All the many other families within the Lepidoptera are referred to as moths. The earliest known butterfly fossils date to the mid Eocene epoch, between 40–50 million years ago.
- Butterfly is the seventh album and fifth studio album by American singer Mariah Carey, released in the United States on September 16 1997 by Columbia Records. It was Carey's first album to be released following the ending of her marriage to Sony Music executive Tommy Mottola, and it includes contributions from producers such as The Trackmasters, Puff Daddy and Stevie J. In a 2006 interview with MTV Overdrive, Carey referred to the album as "ahead of it's time" and said she considers "Babydoll", "Breakdown" and "The Roof (Back in Time)" as "still some of my favourites". [1]
- The most well-known butterfly in Sonic the Comic is Chrysalis, an ally of the Freedom Fighters. She is a fashion designer who is keen to keep friend Amy Rose up with the latest trends. During her first appearance, she was attacked by Sonic the Hedgehog, believing her to be an associate of The Family.
- Butterflies are harmless mobs that can be seen in many biomes in Middle-earth. They come in many different colors such as red, white, orange, yellow, and purple. In Mirkwood, the purple butterflies emit a purple trail of glowing particles. Among the Mallorn trees in Lothlórien you can see white butterflies that emit a blue, yellow, white or green trail of glowing particles. In Far Harad, an abundance of flamboyantly coloured butterflies can be found. If you kill a butterfly, you get the achievement "Merciless" and earn the respective title.
- A Butterfly, also known as a Butterfly Gem, is a type of gem that appears in Bejeweled 3. It is a squashed basic gem type that has wings and emits tiny sparkles. Each kind of Butterfly has its own unique wing pattern. This type of gem only appears in Butterflies mode and the Butterflies mini-quest type in Quest mode.
- Outfitted with a jetpack for flying and a costume laden with incredibly bright strobe lights to blind her enemies, Marian Michaels is a Las Vegas cabaret singer by night and the crime-fighting Butterfly by even later night. In her first appearance, she investigates the Claw, a group of cat costume-wearing heroin dealers who are using their profits to build a fascist army out in the desert. She often worked with Hell-Rider and Julie Storm.
- A butterfly is a class of insect that are known for their bright-colored wings. Several varieties of butterfly have been seen throughout the galaxy, including Earth, Rigel X, Ba'ku, and Risa. (TOS - The Janus Gate novel: Present Tense; ENT episode: "Broken Bow"; TNG movie: Star Trek: Insurrection; and ST video game: Star Trek Online)
- Have one player (Person A) jump on top of the other player's (Person B's) head. Person A should repeatedly jump while standing on Person B. Person B should, while looking up at Person A and holding an Energy Sword, rapidly press X and B. The button combination uses a reload to "cancel" a sword lunge (sword canceling), allowing the lower player to "fly." Note that Person B may use any weapons, though the Energy Sword is recommended.
- Butterflies were considered so beautiful that many people collected them, first killing them with gas then sticking pins in them. The First Doctor accidentally revealed this fact to the Menoptra when they questioned him. (PROSE: The Lost Ones) Butterflies were known to inhabit Swallow Woods. (PROSE: The Way Through the Woods) Romana I joked to Rohm-Dutt that she had been catching butterflies in the swamps of Delta III. (TV: The Power of Kroll) One of the rooms in the TARDIS contained thousands of butterflies. (PROSE: Vampire Science) The Menoptera resembled giant butterflies. (TV: The Web Planet)
- A butterfly was a diurnal insect characterized by a slender body, knobbed antennae, and four broad, conspicuously colored wings. The SS Mariposa was named after the Spanish word for butterfly. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder" ) Female dancers seen on Rigel X in 2151 ate butterflies as part of their act. (ENT: "Broken Bow") The holographic baseball park program where Captain Benjamin Sisko trained the members of his baseball team, the Niners, in 2375, contained a simulation of a white butterfly that flew in the infield behind the pitcher's mound. (DS9: "Take Me Out to the Holosuite")
- Butterflies are part of the class of Insects in the order Lepidoptera. Adult butterflies have large, often brightly coloured wings, and conspicuous, fluttering flight. The group comprises the true butterflies (superfamily Papilionoidea), the skippers (superfamily Hesperioidea) and the moth-butterflies (superfamily Hedyloidea). Butterfly fossils date to the mid Eocene epoch, 40–50 million years ago.