| - The CR90 was the predecessor of the Assassin-class corvette, but since the latter lacked a fighter bay, the CR90 had not been phased out completely. While it was less heavily armed and not as streamlined as its successor, the ability to carry a fighter squadron made up for that tenfold. The CR90 was armed with two dual heavy turbolaser turrets, one dorsal and one ventral. It was also armed with four laser cannons, one on top of each escape pod bay. The ship had four escape pods in case of an emergency.
- Ship name - include a brief summary of the ship.
- It was a light gunship, designed to use against fighters, and therefore was armed with lighter laser cannons and shields than a heavy-assault ship.
- The CR90 corvette, commonly known as the Corellian corvette or blockade runner, was a popular vessel manufactured on Corellia for wide use, whether it be governments, paramilitary movements, smugglers, criminals, or flown into the sun for someone's amusement. They could also be used by Mark Hamill to have a memorable summer.
- CR90 (Korweta koreliańska, łamacz blokad, "krążownik alderaański", CR90 corvette), to typ dużych okrętów wojennych (capital ship), klasy korweta. Typ CR90 produkowała koreliańska spółka Corellian Engineering Corporation.
- The CR90 Corvette, better known as the Corellian Corvette, is possibly the most versatile light warship in existence. Able to be modified to fit almost any mission profile, there is no end to the variation noticeable from ship to ship. Corellian Corvettes are commonly used as escorts, cargo transports, diplomatic couriers, and even frontline warships. Common modifications to the CR90 include adding a hyperdrive backup, reducing crew sizes, boosting the engines, changing the armament layout, or even making room to carry a squadron of fighters.