| - Tokugawa Mitsukuni (徳川 光圀 Tokugawa Mitsukuni) is one of the 100 historical figure spirits who resides in the Village of Heroes.
- Once the exile home of both Shogun Tokugawa Mitsukuni and Generalfeldmarshal Gerrard Turill, The Last Citadel has passed into memory. All that remains among the crumbling tower and the now-deserted city surrounding it is a monument, undamaged and made of the blackest stone, which reads the following: Bashere, Captain Bismark, Vice Admiral Daemonis, Vice Admiral Darklighter, Executor Garrick, Chief of Staff Hoss, Emperor Ionian, High Inquisitor Jaeger, Director of Intelligence Derran Jorde, Grand Admiral Kahadin, Fleet Admiral Gideon Kail, General Garlos Scott Kahn, Fleet Admiral Millard, Captain
| - Once the exile home of both Shogun Tokugawa Mitsukuni and Generalfeldmarshal Gerrard Turill, The Last Citadel has passed into memory. All that remains among the crumbling tower and the now-deserted city surrounding it is a monument, undamaged and made of the blackest stone, which reads the following: Bashere, Captain Bismark, Vice Admiral Daemonis, Vice Admiral Darklighter, Executor Garrick, Chief of Staff Hoss, Emperor Ionian, High Inquisitor Jaeger, Director of Intelligence Derran Jorde, Grand Admiral Kahadin, Fleet Admiral Gideon Kail, General Garlos Scott Kahn, Fleet Admiral Derek Korus, Lieutenant Commander Millard, Captain Norkov, Vice Admiral Justin Raditz, Emperor Raine, Captain Gerrard Turill, Emperor Kedrin Xindell, Emperor
- Tokugawa Mitsukuni (徳川 光圀 Tokugawa Mitsukuni) is one of the 100 historical figure spirits who resides in the Village of Heroes.