| - The Lord Paramouncy of the Wetlands is a Paramouncy that was founded (as an independent state) in 348 AC following the overthrowing of House Dragomyr in the Civil War. Before that, it was one of the 'Eight Provinces' that made up the Kingdom of Andoras, from the Dragomyr invasion until Aegor IV Dragomyr's death. It is currently ruled by Rolland Brackwater of House Brackwater. The Wetlands as a region have not been inhabited as long as some of the others in Andoras. At first, the overgrowth and thick, swampy marshes -- land not at all good for farming -- turned most away from the prospect of settling there. It was, however, a kingdom by the time the Edrossian missionaries of Nyule and what would become the Five Paragons set sail to make contact with Andoras in the late First Era, and maintained an air of respect and integrity for almost all of recorded history that The Wetlands were present in. The last king of the Wetlands, Termel II Brackwater, actually was the first ruler to surrender to the advances of Draegon I Dragomyr in the conquest. He was wise and knew that if he attempted to fight back, the dragon Nerion would torch the entire swampland; not only killing everyone there, but making it uninhabitable. Some in the Wetlands are still loyal to the Dragomyrs and the Kingdom of Andoras to this day, despite both being gone or dead. As of the present, The Wetlands are in a tense state, with the War of Embers breaking out and dipping into its terrain. A male member of House Gallomont was killed in the Battle of Riverbay, and a peace summit was recently conducted, with Rolland himself attending. Through a series of declining relations, Dalan Karthmere punched him in the lip and stormed off, causing increasingly harmed relations between the Wetlands and Thyllanor. WIP
- I don't know who you wrote this for but you hepled a brother out. I don't know who you wrote this for but you hepled a brother out.
- The Wetlands is a cutscene in Resident Evil 5, played at the end of Chapter 3-3. In it, Chris and Sheva go on a new mission: to find the whereabouts of Jill Valentine.