Crawlfish were edible aquatic creatures that lived in spring-fed pools on Yavin 4. Harmless, they could grow up to a meter and a half in length, and were covered in chitin.
Los crawlfish fueron criauras acuáticas que vivían en los manantiales de Yavin 4. Inofensivos, podían crecer hasta el metro y medio de longitud, y estaban recubiertos de quitina. Eran comestibles.
Crawlfish were edible aquatic creatures that lived in spring-fed pools on Yavin 4. Harmless, they could grow up to a meter and a half in length, and were covered in chitin.
Los crawlfish fueron criauras acuáticas que vivían en los manantiales de Yavin 4. Inofensivos, podían crecer hasta el metro y medio de longitud, y estaban recubiertos de quitina. Eran comestibles.
Crawlfish were edible aquatic creatures that lived in spring-fed pools on Yavin 4. Harmless, they could grow up to a meter and a half in length, and were covered in chitin.