| - As its energy, Togepi uses the positive emotions of compassion and pleasure exuded by people and Pokémon. This Pokémon stores up feelings of happiness inside its shell, then shares them with others.
- Togepi Categoria:Pokémon de color blanc Categoria:Pokémon de tipus normal Categoria:Pokémon que no poden criar Categoria:Pokémon de boscCategoria:Pokémon de segona generació Categoria:Pokémon de forma corporal 12en:Togepi es:Togepi Togepi és un dels Pokémon introduïts en la segona generació. Es tracta d'un Pokémon avançat. És la preevolució de Togetic i la primera de Togekiss. És també un Pokémon nadó.
- Pokemon Trainer: Misty
- Togepi (Japanese: トゲピー Togepy) is a Fairy-type baby Pokémon, and prior to Generation VI, a Normal-type Pokémon. It evolves into Togetic when leveled up with high friendship, which evolves into Togekiss when exposed to a Shiny Stone.
- es:Togepinl:Togepi Togepi (Japanese: トゲピー Togepii) is a Fairy-type (formerly Normal-type) Baby Pokémon introduced in Generation II.
- Togepi es un Pokémon bebé de tipo hada introducido en la segunda generación. Se trata de un Pokémon adelantado.
- Togepi nutzt die positiven Emotionen, wie Freude und Mitgefühl, von Menschen und Pokémon als Energie. Dieses Pokémon speichert Glücksgefühle in seiner Schale und teilt sie mit anderen.
- Togepi (トゲピー, Togepy) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a Normal baby Pokémon that made its first appearance in the second generation games Gold and Silver.
- Togepi (トゲピー, Togepī, Togepy in Japanese language versions) is a fictional creature in the Pokémon media franchise. Togepi is a tiny egg-shaped creature covered in a half-hatched egg shell with red and blue patterns on it.
- Togepi est un Pokémon de type Type Fée|link=Fée apparu dans la deuxième génération.
- Togepi is one of Pooh's friends and Misty's best friend in Pooh's Adventures of Pokémon: The First Movie. Togepi is a Fairy type Pokémon, but is only a baby, so it often lends its own brand of moral support to make up for its lack of use against Pooh's enemies, although, unbeknownst to Misty or Pooh and friends, Togepi possesses the ability to secretly use the random and powerful Metronome attack. ==Trivia==