Allegiances, are presented in the opening pages of Dovewing's Silence. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.
Attributes | Values |
| - Dovewing's Silence/Allegiances
| - Allegiances, are presented in the opening pages of Dovewing's Silence. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.
| - Onestar-brown tabby tom
- Bramblestar-dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
- Mistystar-gray she-cat with blue eyes
- Blackstar-large white tom with one jet-black forepaw
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| - Whitetail-small white she-cat
- Purdy-plump tabby, former loner with a gray muzzle
- Kinkfur-tabby she-cat, with long fur that sticks out at all angles
- Ivytail-black, white, and tortoiseshell she-cat
- Oakfur-small brown tom
- Pebblefoot-mottled gray tom
- Pouncefoot-ginger-and-white tom
- Ratscar-brown tom with long scar across his back
- Rushtail-light brown tabby tom
- Smokefoot-black tom
- Snaketail-dark brown tom with a tabby-striped tail
- Whiskernose-light brown tom
- Whitewater-white she-cat with long fur, blind in one eye
| - Daisy-cream, long-furred cat from the horseplace
- Icewing-white she-cat with blue eyes
- Petalfur-gray-and-white she-cat
- Sedgewhisker-light brown tabby she-cat
- Dawnpelt-cream-furred she-cat
- Snowbird-pure-white she-cat
- Sorreltail-tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with amber eyes
| - Rowanclaw-ginger tom
- Squirrelflight-dark ginger she-cat with green eyes
- Apprentice, Lizardpaw
- Apprentice, Slightpaw
- Harespring-brown-and-white tom
- Reedwhisker-black tom
| - Leafpool-light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
- Littlecloud-very small tabby tom
- Jayfeather-gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes
- Kestrelflight-mottled gray tom
- Mothwing-dappled golden she-cat
- Willowshine-gray tabby she-cat
| - Graystripe-long-haired gray tom
- Apprentice, Spikepaw
- Breezepelt-black tom with amber eyes
- Crouchfoot-ginger tom
- Furzepelt-gray-and-white she-cat
- Heronwing-dark gray-and-black tom
- Lakeheart-gray tabby she-cat
- Larkwing-pale brown tabby she-cat
- Pinenose-black she-cat
- Pouncetail-brown tabby tom
- Shimmerpelt-silver she-cat
- Stoatfur-tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
- Briarlight-dark brown she-cat with sky-colored eyes, paralyzed in her hindquarters
- Apprentice, Cherrypaw
- Apprentice, Featherpaw
- Apprentice, Grasspaw
- Apprentice, Havenpaw
- Apprentice, Hootpaw
- Apprentice, Molepaw
- Apprentice, Oatpaw
- Apprentice, Perchpaw
- Apprentice, Seedpaw
- Berrynose-cream-colored tom
- Birchfall-light brown tabby tom
- Blossomfall-tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
- Brackenfur-golden-brown tabby tom
- Brightheart-white she-cat with ginger patches
- Bumblestripe-very pale gray tom with black stripes
- Cinderheart-gray tabby she-cat
- Cloudtail-long-haired white tom with blue eyes
- Crowfeather-dark gray tom
- Crowfrost-black-and-white tom
- Dovewing-pale gray she-cat with blue eyes
- Duskfur-brown tabby she-cat
- Dustpelt-dark brown tabby tom
- Emberfoot-gray tom with two dark paws
- Ferretclaw-black-and-gray tom
- Foxleap-reddish tabby tom
- Grasspelt-light brown tom
- Hazeltail-small gray-and-white she-cat
- Leaftail-dark tabby tom, amber eyes
- Lionblaze-golden tabby tom with amber eyes
- Mallownose-light brown tabby tom
- Millie-striped gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes
- Minnowtail-dark gray she-cat
- Mintfur-light gray tabby tom
- Mosspelt-tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes
- Mousewhisker-gray-and-white tom
- Nightcloud-black she-cat
- Owlclaw-light brown tabby tom
- Poppyfrost-tortoiseshell she-cat
- Rosepetal-dark cream she-cat
- Sandstorm-pale ginger she-cat with green eyes
- Scorchfur-dark gray tom
- Shrewfoot-gray she-cat with black paws
- Tawnypelt-tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes