| - Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
- Dissolution is the 6th episode of Season 3 and is the 50th episode overall.
- Przed Emily piętrzą sią przeszkody, podczas gdy uwaga Daniela skupiona jest gdzie indziej. Rezydencja Graysonów może przestać istnieć, a dwoje z najbardziej ważnych ludzi w życiu Emily zaczyna zwracać się przeciwko niej, co sprawia, że robi coś bardzo nietypowego.
- Dissolution.
- Dissolution by Richard Lee Byers is the first book in the War of the Spider Queen series.
- Dissolution is the process by which a solid or liquid forms a homogeneous mixture with a solvent (solution). This can be explained as a breakdown of the crystal lattice into individual ions, atoms or molecules and their transport into the solvent. Dissolution testing is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for optimization of formulation and quality control.
- Dissolution is the most severe punishment imposed by the civil justice system of the current and former Empire, and is also sometimes impose by tribunals of the Imperial Navy. A person sentenced to Dissolution is placed inside of a 7-foot Cubic Cell, and then the door to that cell is sealed. Once sealed, the door can never again be opened. All record of the person's existence is erased. No contact with any living thing or anything outside of the cell is allowed. There is no indication of the passage of time within the cell... the light within the cell is maintained at a constant, moderate level. The contents (person and identity) of the Cells in a Dissolution facility are not recorded and are not know by anyone. Within the cell... Food, water, and latrine services are provided by an automa
- "Hey! Over here! She's still alive, thank the Light!" Voices seemed to echo strangely through the odd fog in her head, she couldn't discern whether there was one or many. As this realization came to her, so did her body come to know its pain; she could feel the dull throb of a broken bone somewhere, as well as the pin-and-needle sensation of dozens of tiny lacerations across her skin.