| - Basteth wanted to come to aid her cousin, but her creatures, large and dreadful as they were simply could not walk ashore. She was only able to send the snakes, but they were too weak, and the orcs too powerfull. Thus she gave them pus from her festering face wounds as dangerous poison. But too bad! Still the bad orcs, equipped with cyclop weapons, were too powerfuland too malicious. But when the Orks threatened to cover Tibia almost completely, the dragon came! They had decided that only they themselves were to be the true and absolute rulers of Tibia. They did know no mercy in their rage! With fire and magic they annihilated the orcs, devastated their cities and drove them into the underworld. Even the cyclops, which hurried furiously to the battle, and auxiliary troops from enslaved trolls were no match against the fiery anger of the dragons. Enormous cyclopic cities were laid into ruins, unbelievable forging factories were lost for all eternity, and until today the cyclops are upset
about the orcs because of these losses.