| - Thane Krios ist ein Drell und Attentäter, Gerüchten zufolge sogar der beste Attentäter in der Galaxie. Im Gegensatz zu anderen, welche ihr Ziel meist aus großer Entfernung töten, schleicht sich Thane so nah wie möglich an sein Opfer heran, um es persönlich mit List und Tücke, sowie Feuerwaffen, kämpferischen und biotischen Fähigkeiten zu töten. __TOC__
- Thane Krios is a drell assassin, rumored to be the most skilled in the galaxy. Unlike most assassins, who prefer to snipe their targets from a distance, Thane prefers to get up close and kill his target personally, utilizing a mixture of stealth, firearms, hand-to-hand combat and biotic abilities. Despite his profession, Thane is a deeply spiritual man who prays for success in his missions. Thane asks for forgiveness after each kill, even going as far as to ignore those in his immediate vicinity until he is finished doing so. Thane is a possible romantic interest for a female Shepard. __TOC__
- Thane Krios is a major character in the video game series Mass Effect. Specifically, he is a main character in Mass Effect 2 and a supporting character/posthumous hero in Mass Effect 3. He is a drell who was trained by the Hanar as an assassin and becomes one of Commander Shepard's squad for the suicide mission against the Collectors, which he considers fitting as he is dying from Kepler's Syndrome. He was voiced by Keythe Farley.
- Thane Krios est un personnage apparaissant éventuellement dans Mass Effect 2 et Mass Effect 3. Premier représentant de la race des Drells dans la série, il est un assassin célèbre dans toute la galaxie. Ses talents amènent L'homme trouble et le Commandant Shepard à s'intéresser à lui pour enrayer l'avancée des Récolteurs.