| - - His catchphrase Wallawheegamiichalleo was created when a guy named Fusawheeo made an attempt to fuse any clone that he could find. After finding some clones of Walleo, Awheeo, Weegee, Ragamiicho, and Malleo, he quickly rounded them up and sent him to his farm. The clones made an attempt to run for it, but they ended up getting tazered before they get out. After which, Fusawheeo proceeeded to fuse the five clones together, creating...this thing you see to your right. Some say that Wallawhy ended up dying in the woods due to starvation, or that he collapsed in on himself.
| - - His catchphrase Wallawheegamiichalleo was created when a guy named Fusawheeo made an attempt to fuse any clone that he could find. After finding some clones of Walleo, Awheeo, Weegee, Ragamiicho, and Malleo, he quickly rounded them up and sent him to his farm. The clones made an attempt to run for it, but they ended up getting tazered before they get out. After which, Fusawheeo proceeeded to fuse the five clones together, creating...this thing you see to your right. It was unknown what Fusawheeo was planning to do with this fusion, or if he was just creating fusions for the fun of it, but within only a few minutes, Wallawheegamiichalleo fled Fusawheeo's farm and wondered off into the woods. Some say that Wallawhy ended up dying in the woods due to starvation, or that he collapsed in on himself. Others still say that he continues to wander the woods to this day, and that you can only spot him either in the first hour of the afternoon or the first hour of the morning. A few guys wearing tinfoil hats even claim that he will captured random passers-by, say his catchphrase to them, and cause them to turn into a dead cucumber plant, while others say that he's made deals with Pureegee himself. He also has a cult named after him.