| - "What must be done to have House Erwyn's aid in getting us this relic?"
- These moneygrubbing bastards would never last long in the markets of Qarth or King's Landing, but they may help you get the relic.
- "Send a sworn sword to parlay with House Gwylt's moneychangers and bring back the relic."
- "That relic belongs to a [Your Fealty] house. How may House Gwylt help us acquire it?"
- These weaponmasters are more talk than skill. However, as far as minor house soldiery is concerned, one could do a lot worse.
- "Send a sworn sword to raise the necessary force, and retrieve our relic from the Erwyns."
- These gossiping scum are fit only for the service of a minor hold, and their only use to you involves the relic's location.
- "House Deckirt may help us acquire the relic, if we provide them with useful secrets."
- "The problem, [Your Title], is House Erwyn actually has the item, but they claim it's a Baratheon piece. If we want it, it'll mean a vendetta to get it."
- "House G-Gwylt is mainly a trading house, master. Perhaps in r-return for certain assurances, we m-might have their help in acquiring the r-relic."
- "Trouble near Summerhall, [Your Title]. Three houses, Deckirt, Gwylt, and Erwyn, fight over a relic. An old [Your Fealty] relic, I hear."
- "We shall do what we must to acquire this relic. What use might House Deckirt be to us?"
- "Send a sworn sword to deal with the petty whisperers of House Deckirt to get this relic."