| - Featuring Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny and Taz. Daffy Duck opens the only pizza joint in town. Bugs Bunny pays a dollar to try a slice, only to find that it has cardboard underneath it. He demands his money back, but the duck refuses. In response, Bugs opens his own pizza restaurant. Daffy responds by trying to one-up the rabbit by introducing new features, only for Bugs to one-up him again. Bugs still offers to end the competition for a refund, but Daffy is still resistant. Instead, the duck resorts to sabotaging the rabbit's restaurant.
| - Featuring Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny and Taz. Daffy Duck opens the only pizza joint in town. Bugs Bunny pays a dollar to try a slice, only to find that it has cardboard underneath it. He demands his money back, but the duck refuses. In response, Bugs opens his own pizza restaurant. Daffy responds by trying to one-up the rabbit by introducing new features, only for Bugs to one-up him again. Bugs still offers to end the competition for a refund, but Daffy is still resistant. Instead, the duck resorts to sabotaging the rabbit's restaurant. First, he sneaks exploding meatballs into a pizza. He can't resist seeing the look on Bugs's face when the pizza explodes and walks up to the front door. Turns out, he is the 1000th customer, and for that, he wins a free meatball pizza--the one with the exploding meatballs, that is. Second, Daffy tries to report Bugs's restaurant for health violations, but he accidentally gives the address of his own. Finally, Bugs is offering an all-you-can-eat special for only one dollar. Daffy hires a Tasmanian devil. Not realizing what the box contains, Bugs offers to help move the box--but Daffy realizes too late that he moved it to his restaurant. Taz eats the place, and Daffy surrenders and gives Bugs his dollar back. To show he doesn't hold a grudge, Bugs gives him, free of charge, a pizza with everything on it. The comic ends with Taz's mouth over the duck and the pizza he is holding.