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- Extinction by Lisa Smedman is the fourth book in the War of the Spider Queen series.
- Extinction is a multiplayer map for StarCraft II. It is a team play map with allies sharing fortresses. Two paths leads to the enemy. Air forces should attack across the central chasm. It is hard to defend early on, so rushes work well here.
- Clark discovers someone is hunting people affected by the kryptonite rocks and the killer's next target is Lex. Clark uses his powers to save Lex, but is caught off guard when the killer learns his weakness and shoots him with a kryptonite bullet.
- 2090s; anti-virus; bloed; DNA; ecosysteem; Georgia; humanoïde; K cel; Loque'eque; Loque'eque thuiswereld; mutagenisch virus; perzik; Pyrithian vleermuis; quarantine; Shuttlepod 1; Shuttlepod 2; transporter; Tret's ras; Urquat; Xindi-Arboreal; Xindi-Arboreal landingsschip.
- Extinction is the state of nonexistence of a previously existing type of living thing. Note that while extinction usually refers to the end of a species it can just as well apply to that of a higher taxon.
- Extinct species are dead. All of them. Not hiding out on South American plateaus, not to be found deep in the African jungles, not quietly thriving on Skull Island. Not sleeping or living with some nice family on a farm somewhere. They're dead. That's the derivation of the word, you see. Imagine when millions of dinosaurs died in that unfortunate comet incident - that's right, you've got it. After a couple of days, they start to stink. Stink... extincts so much. Get it? Extincts? Huh. Tough crowd.
- Extinction is the name of a track within the BIOHAZARD THE UMBRELLA CHRONICLES ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK album.
- When the Raven attempted to jar the Earth off its' axis, his judge accused him of nearly causing the extinction of the human race.
- Extinction is a dormant crew on the Cobalt Ocean. It was founded April 22nd, 2010 and currently flies the flag of Massacre. At their peak the were ranked #23 on crew fame.
- Just follow the quest marker to clear 6 moderately-sized groups of heket. Once cleared, the boss mob will spawn. Defeat Brokk Ripsnort and his mob to complete the quest.
- Javier raises his hand up in the air and charges a Black Aura,Then he fires a massive barrage of Black Rays that rushes down to hit the opponent inflicting a Large amount of Damage.
- Zánik je třetí epizoda třetí série série seriálu Star Trek: Enterprise. Archer, Reed a Hoshi jsou napadeni virusem, který je mění na jiný druh humanoida.
- Extinction is a map made by (DA)Ender for Halo Custom Edition.
- L' extinction désigne la disparition d'une espèce ou d'un groupe, par voie naturelle (évolution, catastrophes naturelles) ou par d'autres moyens (guerre, extermination...).
- Planet of the Apes: Extinction was a proposed follow-up novel to Planet of the Apes: Force and Planet of the Apes: Resistance - both written by John Whitman - and Planet of the Apes: Rule, written by J.E. Bright but unpublished due to poor sales. A chapter-by-chapter story outline for Extinction was written by Whitman, and it would have been published by HarperEntertainment as part of their on-going series of Planet of the Apes spin-off novels.
- Extinction can also be cast by using the Symbology Attack Cards Extinction and Extinction +.
- Extinction is a medal that appears in the multiplayer mode of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. It is awarded if the player kills every member of the opposing team three times during the course of one match. It is worth $2,000.
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* The D'Arsay race existed 87 million years ago and were presumed extinct. (TNG: "Masks" )
* Dinosaurs such as velociraptors and hadrosaurs became extinct at the end of Earth's Cretaceous Period. (VOY: "Distant Origin"; ENT: "Azati Prime", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")
* As a result of Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome, Deanna Troi was transformed into an amphibious lifeform which became extinct over fifty million years before the 24th century. (TNG: "Genesis" ) ) ) )
* The Kurlan died out several millennia before the 24th century. (TNG: "The Chase" )
- In biology and ecology, extinction is the cessation of existence of a species or group of taxa. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of that species (although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point). Because a species' potential range may be very large, determining this moment is difficult, and is usually done retrospectively. This difficulty leads to phenomena such as Lazarus taxa, where a species presumed extinct abruptly "re-appears" (typically in the fossil record) after a period of apparent absence.
- In biology and ecology, extinction is the cessation of existence of a species or group of taxa, reducing biodiversity. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of that species (although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point). Because a species' potential range may be very large, determining this moment is difficult, and is usually done retrospectively. This difficulty leads to phenomena such as Lazarus taxa, where a species presumed extinct abruptly "re-appears" (typically in the fossil record) after a period of apparent absence.
- Major catastrophes could cause hundreds to millions of species to die out all at once. In cases of planetary destruction, all the species native to the planet could be driven to extinction (unless any native species had access to space travel). By the end of the Thousand Year War between the Kaleds and the Thals, almost all animal life on Skaro was extinct. (AUDIO: Corruption) 500 million BC, the Cirranin home world was destroyed, leaving only Hr'oln alive. (PROSE: The Last Dodo) At some point, the Maston's homeworld was destroyed. (AUDIO: Slipback)
- Extinction est un mode de jeu qui apparaît dans Call of Duty: Ghosts. Il permet d'affronter, jusqu'à 4 joueurs, des Cryptides à travers 5 cartes. Les joueurs n'ont qu'un objectif, localiser et détruire l'intégralité des nids de Cryptides en utilisant une foreuse laser. Il y a aussi un système de points de compétences qui s'obtiennent en forant des nids et en complétant des défis. Tuer des cryptides, forer des nids, fouiller dans des boîtes ou des sacs poubelle vous rapporteront des "Dollars". L'argent peut être utilisé pour acheter des armes placées dans toute la carte et utiliser les capacités sélectionnées. En outre, les joueurs sont en mesure de personnaliser leur classes, en sélectionnant son arme du début, son équipement spécial, son soutien...
- Du fühlst dich einsam, Denn du bist ganz allein. Eine Menschenseele wäre für deinen Kopf Balsam. Doch in diesem Wald wirst du auf ewig verlassen sein. Denn du bist ganz allein. Oder vielleicht doch nicht ? Einen Augenblick zögerst du. Du machst es an .. Das Licht. Jetzt ist das Fenster offen .. War es nicht vorher noch zu ? Jetzt bist du bist GANZ allein. Denn du schliesst es behutsam. Lässt mir keine Chance. Du fühlst dich wieder einsam. Du fühlst es .. Eine kleine Nuance- -Dunkler als zuvor. Du hörst etwas .. oder bildest du dir das nur ein ? Du willst wieder alleine sein. Doch die Geräusche werden klarer.
- After learning that the camera footage was uploaded online, Randy loses his job. The video was a viral sensation. Randy ignores Froggy as his mental state continues to worsen by the second. He finally releases all of his anger on Froggy. Claiming he didn't have anything to do with the video getting uploaded, Froggy tries reasoning with Randy. Randy realizes that the Whale must be the culprit and gets a sinister look in his eyes . Froggy tries to stop Randy but ends up getting slammed onto the kitchen table and duct taped to it. Randy slowly moves in on the Whale who is looking at Whale porn on a laptop. A Swiss army knife stabs the floor, missing his head by inches. Randy grabs the Whale and holds him down; army knife in the air. The Whale swears he had nothing to do with the video clip be
- Leader: The highest rank in the guild. There may be only one leader. The leader determines the rights and ranks of all the other guild members. Second In Command: The highest rank obtainable by a guild member. This officer usually has all the same rights as that of the leader, but does not make the final decisions on important matters. This officer manages the guild while the Leader is out of town and handles the majority of member promotions.
- In biology and ecology, extinction is the death of every member of a species or group of taxa. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of that species (although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point). Because a species' potential range may be very large, determining this moment is difficult, and is usually done retrospectively. This difficulty leads to phenomena such as Lazarus taxa, where a species presumed extinct abruptly "re-appears" (typically in the fossil record) after a period of apparent absence.