| - The Enemy dude (Or bad dude) arena. Routes you make take Theme: None yet Time of day: Midday Weather: Calm This Arena will Impair: Everyone not Enemy Dudes Items: A Baseball bat, A Pistol Location: By a lake You can find a Baseball bat here. File:Lake.jpg |-|Second level= Enemy Dudes: 65 {50 Lvl 1, 14 lvl 2, 1 Boss} Location Hiking up a mountain File:Mountain.jpg |-|Third level= Enemy Dudes: 80 {50 lvl 1, 34 lvl 2, 1 Boss} Location: A Top of a mountain File:TopMountain.jpg |-|Bonus level One= Enemy Dudes: 20 {20 lvl 3} Location: Gliding down File:GnarlyGliding.jpg |-|Fourth level= Enemy Dudes: 90 {10 lvl 3, 70 lvl 2, 9 lvl 1, 1 Boss} Location: A Trail in a forest File:GnarlyWallpaperForest.jpg |-|Fifth level= Enemy Dudes: 100 {20 lvl 3, 79 lvl 2, 1 Boss} Location: The Plains File:GnarlierPlains.jpg |-|Sixth level= Enemy Dudes: 120 {50 lvl 3, 69 lvl 2, 1 Boss} Location: Destroyed Ruins File:Riuns.jpg |-|Bonus level Two= Enemy Dudes: 10 (10 lvl 4) Location: Cave You may find a pistol here, but not keep it. File:Cave.jpg |-|Castle Entrance= Enemy Dudes: 150 {50 lvl 1, 50 lvl 2, 35 lvl 3, 15 lvl 4} Location: Castle Entrance File:GnarlyCastleEntrance.jpg |-|Castle= Enemy Dudes: 276 {100 lvl 1, 100 lvl 2, 50 lvl 3, 20 lvl 4, 5 Bosses, 1 Mega dude} Location: Castle File:GnarlyCastle.jpg File:Inside the Castle Walls - Super Mario 64 |-|Distorted Dimension= Enemy Dudes: 1 {???} Location: ??? File:Distorted Dimension (Castle).jpg Alexcar3000: TRUE Friendly Route 100% + Secret BOSS (Made 961+ new friends! Every single one happy!!)