| - The first among the myth songs from the Singing Hill ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ album, this tells a myth famous in the region of Sol Cluster: the story of Raikokubishi, also known by the human name Sieryek. He was the eldest son of the God Koudeinomikoto, who was sent by his father to the land in order to save El Duel from their enemy nation, El Nemesys, in exchange for the life of the princess of El Duel. However, once he descended, he ended being born as the son for one of the El Nemesys ministers and forgetting the mission he was given.
| - The first among the myth songs from the Singing Hill ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ album, this tells a myth famous in the region of Sol Cluster: the story of Raikokubishi, also known by the human name Sieryek. He was the eldest son of the God Koudeinomikoto, who was sent by his father to the land in order to save El Duel from their enemy nation, El Nemesys, in exchange for the life of the princess of El Duel. However, once he descended, he ended being born as the son for one of the El Nemesys ministers and forgetting the mission he was given. He was raised during 15 years to be a great warrior, and thanks to his abilities and intellect, he was appointed to be prime minister when he reached this age. He also fell in love with Princess Liarsha, who was the third daughter to the king of El Nemesys. However, he remembered his mission when he turned 15-years old and was forced to carry it out. On a single night, he killed the king of El Nemesys and all of its sovereigns, including the father that had raised him as a human. Despite this, he couldn't bring himself to kill Liarsha and allowed her to escape. Later on, Sieryek was received in El Duel as a hero and was awarded the highest honors that anyone could have wished. Still, he wanted to see Liarsha once again, so he returned to El Nemesys to find her. When he reached the top of the tower in which they both spent so many happy days, he found Liarsha, who promptly stabbed him with a dagger, instantly killing him. Then, she embraced Sieryek's corpse and threw up herself with him from the tower, ending her own life for them to be together in the afterlife, where no wars or conflicts existed.