| - One stormy, Elmo was innocently driving to work as a preschool teacher. He loved little kids (not like that). Then his car breaks down. He gets out, and tried to fix it. Then he sees a pool. Thinking of how funny it would be to jump in a pool during a lightning storm, he does so. That's when lightning struck the pool. The next morning, he wakes up in a hospital. He grabs a random gun from Hammerspace, and uses it to shoot a Toad. Realizing how fun it is to be evil, he starts going on rampages shooting lotsa people. He starts out as a common street thug. But then the shame progresses, and he starts getting connections in "the Mob". That's actually what they call the public bathrooms in Sesame Street, but Elmo didn't know that. Then he got gang connections, and eventually formed his own gang, the Elmo Gang. Elmo uses his new power to put an end to all of his enemies, including but not limited to: the police, Big Bird, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bowser, the police, George W. Bush, the cops, Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson, the SWAT team, the UnUnited Nations, and the local authorities. Elmo eventually takes over the whole street.