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- The Taliban are terrorist associates of the Al Qaeda. They are known practitioners of Islamofascism. Before America liberated it and declared major combat operations over in the year of our Lord 2003, the Taliban ruled Afghanistan and were supporting terrorists in Iraq.
- Taliban is a member of the Taliban who appeared in "Spoils of War".
- The Taliban are a group of islamic extremists from Afghanistan who fought against United States of America and allies between 2001 and 2014. Major John Sheppard has made several missions in stopping their operation in Afghanistan. In one such incident, he and Captain Lyle Holland were taken under fire by a group of them, when Sheppard attempted a rescue. The Taliban may have also been responsible for launching an RPG into Dex and Mitch's helicopter, killing them both. (SGA: "Home", "Phantoms")
- Taliban är en grupp av extremister från Afghanistan. Major John Sheppard har gjort flera uppdrag med att stoppa deras verksamhet i Afghanistan. I en sådan incident var han och Lyle Holland vidtas vid eld av en grupp av dem, när Sheppard försökte en räddning. Talibanerna kan också ha varit ansvarig för lanseringen av ett RPG till Dex och Mitchs helikopter, dödar dem båda. (ATL: "Home", "Phantoms")
- When the Taliban were in power they destroyed freedom by preventing women from working outside the home. The Taliban forced women to wear the burqa in public, they forbade women and girls over the age of 8 to get an education, even teachers and students at sewing classes risked execution if caught. Women were forced to have a male chaperone when seeing a male doctor so illnesses were often not treated. Girls under 16 years old were married with Taliban approval and Amnesty International reported that forced marriages were the norm.
- Sinds de invasie van de Sovjet-Unie in 1979 was Afghanistan het strijdtoneel geworden van diverse partijen. Het verzet tegen de Sovjets werd aanvankelijk met geld en wapens door de Verenigde Staten gesteund. Na verloop van tijd waren er diverse krijgsheren die niet alleen de Sovjets, maar ook elkaar bestreden. De teelt van papaver voor de productie van heroïne was voor hen een belangrijke inkomstenbron. In 1988 trokken de Sovjets zich terug uit Afghanistan en raakten de krijgsheren slaags met elkaar.
- Taliban (von arabisch ﮄﺖﺔﺓﺖﮦ, talib = Student, Schüler) bezeichnet eine Gruppe von manchmal bildungshungrigen Menschen, die gelegentlich oder regelmäßig eine bestimmte Schule, Hochschule oder Universität besuchen, der sie zugewiesen worden sind. Manchmal sprengen sie dann auch übungshalber dieselben. In der Praxis sind die Taliban stark von Nihilismus und Anhedonie geprägt.
- Once on the moon, the Taliban set up Camel Farm and carved the message "all your base" upon its surface. When combined with a certain office building in Wisconsin, people say that the full meaning of this phrase is spelled out.
- The Taliban were a terrorist organization based in Afghanistan. It contained several extremists imams who forbade music. They used the heroin trade as a major funding device. (Trinity, Head Shot) Taj Ali Kahlil and Omar Bayat became leading proponents of terrorism in Afghanistan after the rise of the Taliban. (Operation Hell Gate) Nazila Rafizadeh explained to Jack Bauer that Ramin had no connection to the Taliban, and was not a terrorist. (Veto Power) In Said al Kabbibi's file, it stated that he associated with the Taliban as well as the PLO and the Republican Guard in Iraq. (Collateral Damage)
- The Taliban ( "students"), alternative spelling Taleban, is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. It spread from Pakistan into Afghanistan and formed a government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until December 2001, with Kandahar as the capital. However, it gained diplomatic recognition from only three states: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mohammed Omar has been serving as the spiritual leader of the Taliban since 1994.
- The Taliban ("students" in Pashto) are an Islamic fundamentalist movement which exercised rule over most of Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, when United States forces in conjunction with NATO invaded Afghanistan and removed them from their center of power because they had either passively or actively allowed al-Qaeda, a militant international Islamist terrorist organization, to use Afghan territory to plot, train, and conduct international terrorist activities.
- Taliban vart grunnlagt i 1979, og var ein organisasjon for kvinner sine rettar. Året før hadde det vore revolusjon i Afghanistan, som hadde endt med den forferdelige kommunismen som eit dårleg resultat. Revolusjonen førde til at langt fleire damer fikk utdannelse, homofile blei ikkje lenger hengt, og bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. Namnet på kommunistpartiet var Demokratisk Folkeparti. Men Taliban vart aldri nøgd med det kommunistiske styret. Dei meinte at kommunistane ikkje gjorde nok for kvinner. Difor vart T. grunnlegge i slutten av 1979.