Turning is the name for a technique the Shadow uses to convert people of the Light to the Dark.
The use of medallions are the cause of the most common type of turning, in which a disguised creature is either given or somehow acquires a medallion that corresponds to their specific species. Once this occurs, the medallion will replace the old spell disguising them as a human with a new one. This gives the newly-turned mythological creature the ability to shift to any shape between their natural and human forms, although it usually takes some practice before one can achieve a stable midform.
Turning is the name for a technique the Shadow uses to convert people of the Light to the Dark.
The use of medallions are the cause of the most common type of turning, in which a disguised creature is either given or somehow acquires a medallion that corresponds to their specific species. Once this occurs, the medallion will replace the old spell disguising them as a human with a new one. This gives the newly-turned mythological creature the ability to shift to any shape between their natural and human forms, although it usually takes some practice before one can achieve a stable midform.