| - Stu: Stupid leaky faucet! Stu: I'll get- (hits head on sink pipe as he lifts his head) Ow! (puts foot into pail and almost slips). Woooah! Oh great. Deed! Didi: (peers into bathroom) Oh, I'll get it! Stu: Good idea. Didi: Good morning Charles! Good morning Chuckie! Charles: Hi Didi! Uh, thanks for watching Chuckie. Hey, do you think Stu would mind putting this "I'm a Big Boy Potty Seat Adapter" on your toilet? Didi: I'm sure Stu would be happy to put in the adapter. In fact, he's working in the bathroom right now. (holds Chuckie) Isn't this exciting, Chuckie? You're moving to the grown up potty. Charles: Today's the day. 'Though I am little worried about getting him away from that old clown potty. Didi: Well, you know what Lipschitz says. All it takes is a little praise. We'll just be sure to tell him what a good boy he is and how proud we are that he's using his new potty. But right now Chuckie's little friends are waiting for him. Didi: There you go Chuckie! Have fun. Tommy: Hey, how are you doing Chuckaroo? Chuckie: Hi guys. Tommy: Um, is something wrong Chuckie? Chuckie: No. Lil: Then why are you sitting on the ground all scrunched up like an old bag? Chuckie: No reason. Lil: Are you hiding something? Chuckie: (gasping) I'm not hiding anything. I just have to go potty. Phil: So why don't you just go? Chuckie: I can't go when people are lookin'. And I really gotta go right now but all the grownups are watching me every time I go, and I really gotta go! Tommy: Hey, Chuckie! I "got" an idea. Why don't you just on the tree? Chuckie: Once you're potty trained, you can't go back to stuff like that! Tommy: Why not? Spike does it all the time. Chuckie: Oh, all right! I'll use the tree, but you guys got to not look at me, 'kay? Tommy: Okay! Don't worry. We'll look at this flower. Didi: Oh no! He's regressing! (she runs to him, scooping him up) Chuckie, no! Now, I know the big boy potty may seem a little scary, but you won't need to worry because I'll be watching you the whole time. Tommy: Huuuh! Stu: There - safe, secure, and ready for action. Didi: Look everybody! Chuckie is ready to use his new big boy potty! Stu: Got it all set up for you Champ! Charles: There you go, little fellow. We're all very excited! Didi: Don't worry honey. We'll try again later. Tommy: Hey, Chuckie! Did you go? Chuckie: No, the grownups were looking at me the whole time, and I tried to go but I couldn't and now I don't even "gotta" go no more. I thought you said it was okay to go potty on the tree! Tommy: I'm sorry, Chuckie! It used to be okay. Lil: Maybe your mommy and daddy changed the rules. There's no "splaining" grownups. Chuckie: Well, now I know I'm not doin' that again. Phil: Uh oh. I guess Spike doesn't know. Tommy: Huuuhhhh! Tommy: Spike, noooo! (kids run to the tree, and Tommy grabs Spike by the collar) I'm sorry Spike, but the rules are changed and you're not "apposed" to go potty on the tree no more! Chuckie: Tommy, we can't just tell him not to go potty! Everybody's gotta go sometime! Tommy: You're right Chuckie! We've got to teach him a new way to go potty! From now on, I'm going to be Spike's dad. Chuckie: Yeah, and I'll be, uh, Spike's other dad. Phil: And we'll be Spike's Uncle Bill and Aunt Harriet. Lil: (in old person's voice) Who's --- (?), young Spikey? Phil: (pointing at Spike, in old man's voice) Hold my finger, son! Tommy: Okay, Spike. Let's get started. Tommy: Okay, Chuckie. Here's the diapers. Phil and Lil, you hold Spike while me and Chuckie put one on him. Lil: Okay, Tommy. Phil: Here, Spike! Come on boy. Good dog. Lil: Come on Spikey! Don't be scared! Tommy: Okay Chuckie, now that that's taken care of, let's put the diaper on him. Come on Spike! That a'boy! Good doggie! Over here. Chuckie: Wait, Tommy. That's not how you put on a diaper. Tommy: (stops running) Why not Chuckie? What's wrong. Chuckie: (holds up baby powder) You forgot the baby powder . We don't want Spike to get a rash. Tommy: Oh, yeah, right. (runs after Spike, spraying powder everywhere) Come on Spike! Over here! Good doggie! Hold it you guys! (they all stop chasing Spike; Spike stops and pants) I think I got a better idea. (he approaches the dog and scratches its head) Good doggie Spike! (Spike turns over on his back). Okay guys, he's ready. Phil and Lil, get the diaper. Chuckie, you put on the powder. Phil and Lil: Right! Chuckie: Okay! Tommy: Good doggy! Lil: Hey, Spike's tail is in the way! Phil: (getting hit with Spike's flailing feet) Duh, I'm getting dizzy. Tommy: Chuckie, hold him! My arms "is" getting tired. Chuckie: Okay, Tommy! There now, come on Spike. Good doggie! Give me your tail. (grabs it) Done! Lil: Done! Phil: Done! Tommy: Done! Good boy Spike. (the dog sniffs the diaper and tears it off with his teeth immediately) Bad boy Spike. Chuckie: Now, Tommy! As good daddies, we have to always say nice stuff to him. Tommy: Oh sorry Chuckie! You're right. Lil: What do we do now? Chuckie: Well, I know what my daddy did. Tommy: Come on you guys! Help me get Spike on the seat! Tommy: Now what Chuckie? Chuckie: Now we wait until he has to go. And then we all tell him what a good boy he is and how proud we are that he's using the potty. Tommy: Uh, that sounds easy. Phil and Lil: Yeah! Lil: I'm getting hungry. Phil: (yawning) I'm gettin' sleepy! Chuckie: I can't feel my toes. Tommy: Well, guys. We have to wait 'til Spike has to- (Spike wakes up). Hey, he's movin'. He's doin' it. He's doin' it. Tommy: Oh no! (kids scream at the dog) Chuckie: Bad doggie Spike! Very bad doggie! Tommy: We should have thought of this before, you guys! Spike's a big boy doggie and he needs to use the big boy potty! Phil, you open the potty while we get Spike up there. Phil: Okay! (opens the seat) Tommy: Okay, Spike. Come on boy! Up here. Good doggy! Sit on the potty! Lil: What's the matter? Phil: How come he's not paying attention? Tommy: He just doesn't know what to do. Spike's never used the potty before. Lil: Maybe he needs someone to show him how. Chuckie: Oh, okay. But I'm only going to pretend to go. And everybody has to cover your eyes while I'm climbing up there. Tommy: Sure, Chuckie! Chuckie: Okay, you can turn around now. Chuckie: Now then, Spike, as you can see, I'm sitting on the potty. It's, um, it's a very comfortable and, um, it's, uh, a much "more" better place to go potty than the tree. (hears water dripping from the leaky faucet) Okay, so when I want to go potty, I just (stammers) close my eyes and um, (stammers), oh- Tommy: What's the matter Chuckie? Chuckie: Oh, I really "hafta" go potty again! Lil: So why don't you just go? Chuckie: I can't! Not while you guys are in the room. Tommy: What should we do? Chuckie: You guys' gotta go. Wah, hurry! Open the door, open the door! Tommy: I can't reach. It's too high. (trying to get the door knob; Tommy is moaning; Phil and Lil hoist Tommy up to get to the knob) Help me up you guys! Quick! Stu: Hey Chuckie? You ready to use your big boy potty now? Deed! He's ready! Stu: Chuckie? Where are you going? Didi: Now how did this get outside? (the dog runs past her) What in the world? Spike? Tommy: Spike, no! Chuckie: Hey, hey! Where did my potty go? Tommy: Well, I guess they changed the rules again. Chuckie: Uh, that's good. 'Cause I really really have to go now. And I don't care if you guys watch or not. Move over Spike! Tommy: You know guys! That kind of looks like fun. Phil and Lil: Yeah! Didi: Stu! Call Lipschitz! I think we've got a problem. Chuckie: Good boy Spike! Good boy!