| - Das FFXIclopedia Wiki wurde am 30. Juni 2007 von Ganiman gegründet. Es gibt schon über 12.000 Artikel.
- Final Fantasy XI non è altro che l'ennesima e solenne cagata prodotta dalla Square-Enix e appartenente alla saga di RPG più lunga del mondo: Final Fantasy. Il gioco, a differenza dei predecessori e dei successori, è Online, cioè un M.M.O.R.P.G. (Mastodontica Merda Online Rubasoldi Per Gabbare) quindi è un ottimo prodotto attira-niubbi e attira-nerd. Nel 2003 aveva una grafica 400 volte superiore a qualsiasi altro MMORPG, per farlo girare nel vostro computer serviva un processore con un reattore a fusione e ventole di raffreddamento grandi come le ruote di un camion. Mentre ora nel 2015 la sua grafica è passata ad essere una roba che vi farà rimpiangegere il primo tomb raider per ps1. Lo spazio che il gioco occupa sul disco fisso è molto poco: solo quei 300 Gigabyte soliti.
- Neben den Missionen laden aber auch verschiedene Handwerkszünfte zum Zeitvertreib ein, darunter Schmieden, Angeln, Alchemie oder Holzverarbeitung. Zusätzlich können die Spieler diversen Hobbies wie Gartenarbeit, Muschelbuddeln oder Bergbau nachgehen. Nach und nach erschienen immer mehr Zusatzinhalte und Erweiterungspacks, die neue Inhalte bereitstellen. Am 12. November 2009 veröffentlichte Square Enix die Final Fantasy XI Premium-Edition, die sämtliche erschienenen Inhalte in einem Paket vereint. Etwa 500.000 aktive Spieler bilden seit April 2008 die Population in der Spielwelt Vana'diel.
- Some silly MMORPG. Why the hell would you waste a Roman Numeral on THIS contraption and not Final Fantasy Tactics (the greatest Final Fantasy ever made)? ^You're a silly MMORPG.
- Final Fantasy XI - Red like Ferrari (FFXI, FF11, FFXIRLF) is a revolutionary MMORPG from Square'anux. Released in 2002 Final Fantasy XI has since become the dominant game on the MMORPG market, because anyone who plays World of Warcraft is not considered human and does not count. Final Fantasy XI is Squezenux's flagship game to promote their 'Gaming together on any console ever made... ever' ideal, FFXI being the first game to run on any console ever made in the history of mankind. Including the original Gameboy. FFXI is sited as the main reason world of warcraft failed to ever gain a substantial player base, as FFXI was just too damn awesome.
- Final Fantasy XI destaca por ser el primer juego de la saga exclusivamente online. Es para las plataformas PlayStation 2, Xbox 360 y PC.
- Final Fantasy XI (ファイナルファンタジーXI, Fainaru Fantajī Irebun?) è il primo MMORPG della serie di Final Fantasy, pubblicato dalla ex Squaresoft, oggi Square Enix. Il gioco è unicamente giocabile online e, dopo il primo mese gratuito di prova, è possibile continuare l'avventura pagando un canone mensile.
- Describe Final Fantasy XI here. OK, but I've got Dynamis Abyssea in a few. The eleventh entry in the pinky-pullingly popular Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy XI is the first MMORPG created by Square Enix, and the first MMO in the Final Fantasy franchise, released in Japan in May of 2002, with a North American release in October of 2003, followed by a European release in September of 2004. It is also the first MMORPG to be released both for home consoles (Playstation 2 and Xbox 360) and the PC. The game even mixes all these players together, as no world is region or console specific.
- Final Fantasy XI, également connu sous le nom de Final Fantasy XI Online", est le premier MMORPG (Jeu de rôle en ligne massivement multijoueur) de la saga Final Fantasy. C'était également le premier MMORPG multi-plateforme, disponible sur Windows, PlayStation 2 et Xbox 360. Depuis sa sortie, en 2002, il est devenu le plus grand succès, financièrement parlant, de toute la saga Final Fantasy
- Final Fantasy XI, znane również jako Final Fantasy XI Online, jest pierwszą grą MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) w serii. Final Fantasy XI było pierwszym wieloplatformowym MMORPG, dostępnym na komputery z systemem Windows, konsole PlayStation 2, Xbox 360 oraz platformę Steam. Od momentu wydania w 2002 roku pozycja ta odniosła największy sukces finansowy spośród wszystkich gier serii Final Fantasy.
- <default>Final Fantasy XI</default> Developers Publishers Release dates Genre Game modes Ratings Platforms Final Fantasy XI, also known as Final Fantasy XI Online, is the franchise's first MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). Final Fantasy XI was the world's first cross-console MMORPG, available for Windows, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360 and Steam. Since its release in 2002, it has become the most financially successful title in the Final Fantasy series.
- Final Fantasy XI, также известная как Final Fantasy XI Online — многопользовательская ролевая онлайн-игра, разработанная и выпущенная Square (в дальнейшем Square Enix) как часть Final Fantasy. Она была выпущена в Японии на консоли PlayStation 2 16 мая 2002 года и портирована на платформу Windows (PC) в ноябре 2002 года. В США вышли обе версии, в Евросоюзе — лишь версия для Windows (PC). В апреле 2006 года одновременно во всем мире вышло переиздание для Xbox 360 — таким образом, Final Fantasy XI стала первой MMORPG на этой платформе и первой кроссплатформенной MMORPG. Версия для Xbox 360 не требует аккаунта в сети Xbox Live Gold.