The mushroom seed is a small item used for planting in the Soil Plots. It is first seen as a small green seed pack containing mushroom seeds. On the front of the pack, the game logo can be seen above the words "Finest Seeds!" in green lettering. Once grown, the mushroom is a mostly desaturated dark blue with spots on it's head that will glow on and off during it's growth. To purchase this item from the order scroll, you must unlock the Planting skill. The buy value for this item is 22 File:Shoppe coin.png coins, with the sell value increasing to 85 File:Shoppe coin.png coins when fully grown.
The mushroom seed is a small item used for planting in the Soil Plots. It is first seen as a small green seed pack containing mushroom seeds. On the front of the pack, the game logo can be seen above the words "Finest Seeds!" in green lettering. Once grown, the mushroom is a mostly desaturated dark blue with spots on it's head that will glow on and off during it's growth. To purchase this item from the order scroll, you must unlock the Planting skill. The buy value for this item is 22 File:Shoppe coin.png coins, with the sell value increasing to 85 File:Shoppe coin.png coins when fully grown.