*This is the last episode for Nia Long to voice Roberta.
*Rallo is shown to be good at basketball.
*The Wilhelm Scream is heard twice while Roberta and Junior are playing Wii.
*Holt's full name is revealed in this episode: Holt Anne Richter.
*Holt drives a Chrysler Crossfire with a McCain/Palin bumper sticker attached to the rear window.
*"Bad Reputation" by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts is played during the fight between Donna and Jane.
*The banana doll that Cleveland is holding at the bar in one scene resembles SpongeBob Squarepants.
*Tim jokes about the Browns needing to get a cordless phone, poking fun at a cartoon cliche that Seth MacFarlane has pointed out in numerous commentaries on Family Guy.
*The members of Village People participate in chasing Holt.
*The game Wii Sports was being played and Wilhelm Scream is heard.