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- Booster rocket
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- A booster rocket was a rocket used to provide added boost when a spacecraft was launched from a planet's surface. Late-20th and early-21st century space shuttles used booster rockets to help them reach orbit. According to Shaun Christopher, every astronaut was relieved when the booster rockets, which he compared to Roman candles, fell off of the space shuttle. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time)
- A booster rocket was a component used in levitation boots to propel one or more up in the air quickly. In 2287, James T. Kirk ordered Spock to activate the booster rockets on his jet boots, so he, Spock and Dr. Leonard McCoy could escape from Sybok's followers and a brainwashed Hikaru Sulu in the USS Enterprise-A's turboshaft. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
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- A booster rocket was a component used in levitation boots to propel one or more up in the air quickly. In 2287, James T. Kirk ordered Spock to activate the booster rockets on his jet boots, so he, Spock and Dr. Leonard McCoy could escape from Sybok's followers and a brainwashed Hikaru Sulu in the USS Enterprise-A's turboshaft. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier) This article or section is incomplete This page is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to [ edit] this page to assist with this expansion.
- A booster rocket was a rocket used to provide added boost when a spacecraft was launched from a planet's surface. Late-20th and early-21st century space shuttles used booster rockets to help them reach orbit. According to Shaun Christopher, every astronaut was relieved when the booster rockets, which he compared to Roman candles, fell off of the space shuttle. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time) Booster rockets were also equipped on levitation boots in the late 23rd century. James T. Kirk instructed Spock to use the booster rockets in order to escape from Hikaru Sulu and members of the Galactic Army of Light in Turbo shaft 3. (ST movie, novelization & comic adaptation: The Final Frontier)