| - A bioelectric field was a type of energy field produced by lifeforms. This could also be artificially created by a bio-electric field generator. Members of Species 8472 generated a bioelectric field that rendered them impervious to sensors. Because of this, it was difficult to achieve a transporter lock on them. (VOY: "Scorpion", "Prey") Focal points of the bioelectric field were called chakras by the Indians of ancient Earth and qui'lari by Vulcans. In Humans, one such focal point was located in the foramen magnum and another one roughly around the temples. The non-corporeal being Onaya claimed to be capable of stimulating these points in order to make a Human restful, energized or creative. (DS9: "The Muse") Given the way Onaya was capable of manipulating these points, the Vulcan interest in focal points might be related to Vulcan neuro-pressure techniques. In 2368, when the memories of the crew of the USS Enterprise-D were temporarily erased, the imposter Kieran MacDuff suggested that they could have been stunned by some type of bioelectric field. (TNG: "Conundrum" ) The macrovirus infesting the USS Voyager in 2373 emanated a bioelectric field. (VOY: "Macrocosm") The nanoprobes from Borg drones produced an artificial bioelectric field, coordinated by their cranial implants, that allowed them to pass through force fields. Despite her removal from the Collective, Seven of Nine still retained enough Borg technology within her body to activate this ability and escape from a cell on the USS Dauntless in 2374. (VOY: "Hope and Fear")