| - Silent Hill (Japanese: サイレントヒル Hepburn: Sairento Hiru?) is a Japanese horror franchise created by Keiichiro Toyama and published by Konami and its subsidiary Konami Digital Entertainment. The first four survival horror video games in the series, Silent Hill, 2, 3, and 4: The Room, were developed by an internal group called Team Silent, a development staff within former Konami subsidiary Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo. The later five games, Origins, Homecoming, Shattered Memories,Downpour and Book of Memories, were developed by other unrelated groups. The Silent Hill franchise has expanded to include various print pieces, two feature films, and spin-off video games.
| - Silent Hill (Japanese: サイレントヒル Hepburn: Sairento Hiru?) is a Japanese horror franchise created by Keiichiro Toyama and published by Konami and its subsidiary Konami Digital Entertainment. The first four survival horror video games in the series, Silent Hill, 2, 3, and 4: The Room, were developed by an internal group called Team Silent, a development staff within former Konami subsidiary Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo. The later five games, Origins, Homecoming, Shattered Memories,Downpour and Book of Memories, were developed by other unrelated groups. The Silent Hill franchise has expanded to include various print pieces, two feature films, and spin-off video games. Silent Hill is set in the series' eponymous fictitious American town. The series is heavily influenced by the literary genre of psychological horror, with its player characters being mostly "everymen". By contrast, other horror-themed games use a stronger protagonist through character back story or direct game mechanics (more weapons, heavier emphasis on combat), as is the case in Resident Evil.