| - From This Moment On was filmed in New York City and depicts Twain wearing a long dress and a bindi. She is walking down a hallway, trying to go through several doors; however, they are all locked. Finally she finds an unlocked door, proceeds through it and finds an orchestra being led by a conductor. She stands in front and finishes singing the song. The video, with an extra blooper at the end, is available on Twain's DVD The Platinum Collection.
- I love this song! By Shania Twain and Bryan White. I hope you like this songfic, It's my first! =) Dovepaw loved Tigerheart and she never stopped thinking about him, she snuck out every night to be with him. She felt like she could be herself with him. Tigerheart sat and overlooked the lake, the water gleaming in the sunlight, all he could think about was Dovepaw. He was so in love with her. Tigerheart knew that nothing in the world could stop him from being with Dovepaw, he just wished that they could both be in the same clans. "I love you too, Tigerheart." Dovepaw purred.
| - From This Moment On was filmed in New York City and depicts Twain wearing a long dress and a bindi. She is walking down a hallway, trying to go through several doors; however, they are all locked. Finally she finds an unlocked door, proceeds through it and finds an orchestra being led by a conductor. She stands in front and finishes singing the song. The video, with an extra blooper at the end, is available on Twain's DVD The Platinum Collection.
- I love this song! By Shania Twain and Bryan White. I hope you like this songfic, It's my first! =) Dovepaw loved Tigerheart and she never stopped thinking about him, she snuck out every night to be with him. She felt like she could be herself with him. Tigerheart sat and overlooked the lake, the water gleaming in the sunlight, all he could think about was Dovepaw. He was so in love with her. Finally, nighttime came, and both Tigerheart and Dovepaw padded out of their camps and they met up at the lake. Tigerheart and Dovepaw would touch noses and they'd intertwine their tails, and sit there all night. Tigerheart knew that nothing in the world could stop him from being with Dovepaw, he just wished that they could both be in the same clans. Dovepaw pressed her head against Tigerheart's shoulder, she felt so safe whenever he was around, but in her heart, she knew it wasn't right to see him. Tigerheart purred and licked in between Dovepaw's ears, "I love you, Dovepaw." he whispered. "I love you too, Tigerheart." Dovepaw purred. Before they knew it, dawn came, and sadly they both had to go their clans. Dovepaw hated this part, she never wanted to leave Tigerheart, and a look in his eyes told her he didn't either. When Tigerheart returned to camp, only his mother, Tawnypelt, was in the clearing. She clearly noticed something about him and padded over. "What's wrong, Tigerheart?" he sighed and walked passed her. "Nothing, Tawnypelt." Tigerheart knew everyone in his clan was questioning him about his loyalties, and Tigerheart knew that they would find out sooner or later. Dovepaw padded into the camp and noticed Ivypaw was talking away to Bumblestripe, it made her think of her and Tigerheart, and she sighed walking towards Lionblaze. Life was just boring without Tigerheart, and she knew that their love was something that could never be broken. And you're the answers to my prayers from up above "Tigerheart? Tigerheart!" Rowanclaw's meow interupted Tigerheart from his day-dream, his father looked at him concerned, "What has been wrong with you lately? You haven't really been paying much attention to anything." Tigerheart bowed his head. "I'm sorry, Rowanclaw," he meowed, "I'll try better." Rowanclaw nodded his head once in agreement, "Good. Now you can go with Toadfoot on a border patrol." Rowanclaw padded off, and Tigerheart sighed once again, and he padded off to see Toadfoot. Finally! The sun was setting and the cats were going to a Gathering tonight. Luckily, Dovepaw was going to go, and when they waited for Firestar's signal, she just wanted to run into the clearing and sit next to Tigerheart. Once the ThunderClan cats ran in, Dovepaw managed to find Tigerheart, and they both sat in the back, behind everyone else. Tigerheart and Dovepaw looked at each other, and wrapped their tails together, and they sat there throughout the whole Gathering. And they both knew only one thing; that they would love each other forever.