The Furious Garboil appeared in the animated version of Fraggle Rock, in the episode "The Great Fraggle Freeze." A creature residing at the end of the Mystical Magical Maze, the Garboil was described by an ancient Fraggle explorer as a terrible creature who will bite one's head off, stomp his victims, kick them into a bottomless pit, and then insult them. In reality, the Furious Garboil is a small, nasal-voiced individual who merely wants some privacy and to prevent uninvited guests.
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| - The Furious Garboil appeared in the animated version of Fraggle Rock, in the episode "The Great Fraggle Freeze." A creature residing at the end of the Mystical Magical Maze, the Garboil was described by an ancient Fraggle explorer as a terrible creature who will bite one's head off, stomp his victims, kick them into a bottomless pit, and then insult them. In reality, the Furious Garboil is a small, nasal-voiced individual who merely wants some privacy and to prevent uninvited guests.
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| - The Furious Garboil appeared in the animated version of Fraggle Rock, in the episode "The Great Fraggle Freeze." A creature residing at the end of the Mystical Magical Maze, the Garboil was described by an ancient Fraggle explorer as a terrible creature who will bite one's head off, stomp his victims, kick them into a bottomless pit, and then insult them. In reality, the Furious Garboil is a small, nasal-voiced individual who merely wants some privacy and to prevent uninvited guests.