| - She looked up at her Clan leader, snorting skeptically. Nightsplash was always surprised at the anger that flashed in Redstar's eyes, as he spoke of SkyClan. "--they think that they can overtake us, and take our territory! Well, they are wrong. We will fight down to the last warrior to protect our Clan and territory!" She rolled her eyes. SkyClan is so weak right now that a gust of wind could knock them down. I seriously doubt that we'll need to fight down to our "last warrior". But nevertheless, ThunderClan cheered. Nightsplash joined in. She still had pride in her Clan, even though she thought that Redstar was taking it a tad too far. Probably just for the fretting queens. The meeting dispersed, as most cats crept into their dens to rest. Some stayed outside in the starlight, to share tongues. Nightsplash was indecisive. She didn't have many friends, yet she was restless, and wasn't ready to settle down into the warriors' den. Tensions were rising, and there was nothing to do to stop it but wait until everything exploded around them, in a flash of teeth and claws. Before she had any more time to ponder what she could do, without ever finding a real answer, Amberclaw padded up to her. "Hi," he said, attempting to balance a pebble on his claw. It lasted for a couple of seconds, before Amberclaw staggered, and it went flying right to Seedpelt's chest. Seedpelt let out an annoying hiss, and grumpily stalked into the warriors' den. Nightsplash purred with amusement. "So what's up?" "You know. Everyone's anticipating the dreaded attack from SkyClan." Nightsplash couldn't tell if she was making fun of Redstar, or was actually serious. So she just said, "Yeah." "Are you ready?" he said, whiskers twitching, the familiar gleam in his eyes. "Readier than ever." Amberclaw yawned, and flicked his tail over her ear. "I had better get some sleep. Dawn patrol." Nightsplash ran her tongue over her paw. "Lucky you." He growled playfully, then began to stroll away. The little gathering seemed to be breaking up, as the night grew colder. Except for Foxclaw and Mistyleaf, and Featherdapple, who was guarding the entrance. She padded up to Featherdapple, and mewed, "Do you want me to take your place? You can go get some sleep, if you'd like." Featherdapple shook her head, and sniffed. "Redstar's orders specifically stated that I am to be guard. Not ignorant warriors like you. Who knows what would happen if SkyClan attacked?" Nightsplash gave an irritated flick of her tail. What a jerk. The way she says it, it's like she was a specially chosen gift from StarClan. Nightsplash chose her words carefully. "Did he say that you were to guard the entrance? Because if he didn't, I can do that for you, and you can guard the Dirtplace. It seems like your abilities would be more appreciated there." Featherdapple gave her a burning I'll-get-you-later look. "Good night," Nightsplash mewed, then decided to go to the warriors' den, away from that snob. She could see that Blueheart had rolled over, so she was halfway in her nest. Sometimes she just got sick of all the cats in ThunderClan. Gently, she pushed Blueheart away. She just snuffled and twitched her ear. Nightsplash curled up, leaving one pale green eye open, watching the soft movement of her Clan. Finally, it drifted shut, as she slipped off into a deep sleep. In a flash, her claws sank into the scrawny shrew. It squeaked once, and was dead. "Nice catch, Nightspash!" Fernwhisper mewed cheerfully. She purred her thanks, and grasped it in her jaws. The breeze wafted in front of her nose, and the forest seemed awfully still, excpept for the rustling of the leaves, and the bored shuffle of Rosecloud's paws. Not even a twitch of a mouse. She had to admit that prey was scarce, and it was for most Clans. She would need to start being more mindful of how much she was eating. Rosecloud's light pinkish ginger fur unfurled, as she stood upright, outlined against the dark holly leaves like a blackbird against the snow. Crossly, she lifted her nose into the cool air. Her blue eyes narrowed as she spoke. "SkyClan." Rosecloud's words were as sharp as brambles. But what is it actually like to be SkyClan? She pondered the thought. In a leaf-bare where prey is scarce... their territory being destroyed by Twolegs... and the conflict with us. It's hard times for them. They must be just another Clan, trying to stay alive. Nightsplash buried her catch, ashamed, and cleared her head. She couldn't have sympathy for the enemy, especially when an invasion was so near. "Well, what are we doing, standing around? Let's see if they have crossed the border!" Fernwhisper hissed. Before any further rational decision was made, they were streaking towards the border. She had sharpened up her claws, ready for an attack, by the time they reached the origin of the SkyClan scent. But instead of stumbling across a hostile patrol stealing prey, their eyes were glazed with terror, as they ran from the giant, rumbling Twoleg monster. Nightsplash's heart leaped into her throat. It's heading right toward us! "Get back!" Fernwhisper screeched. She didn't need to be told twice. As soon as you could say "mouse", Nightsplash was in the prickly bushes. Rosecloud soon followed, along with Fernwhisper. Despite her fear, Nightsplash spoke. "Do you think we should help them?" She squinted, looking closer. "One of them is an apprentice!" "Are you insane?" Rosecloud hissed, "That would be risking our lives for our bitter enemies!" The roar of the monster became deafening. The cries of terrified cats rose. Fernwhisper's pale green eyes gleamed. "Maybe we should." Frustrated, Rosecloud bared her teeth. "I can see I'm outvoted. Now let's go!" The monster looked even more scary up close. Nightsplash gulped, as she darted forward, to guide the apprentice away. She would never admit it to another cat (she barely acknowledged it herself), but despite her tough and snappy appearance, she wasn't all that brave. Before she could get there, Fernwhisper shoved the apprentice under a thick tree root. Fox dung! "Over there!" Nightsplash shouted to the warrior tom leading the patrol. He streaked into the bushes. Rosecloud helped the remaining she-cat. The monster finally roared through the bushes. Nightsplash watched as the trees cracked and splinted, as smaller branches toppled to the forest floor. She shivered. As soon as the noise died down, their patrol turned to face the SkyClan cats. They stared back, their eyes wide in terror, and covered in dust and bits of leaves. The little apprentice had a twig right between his eyes. Nightsplash stifled a snicker. Pulling herself together, she opened her mouth to speak to them, because it was apparent that no one else would. But before she could, they swiftly and jerkily turned around, one by one. They started by padding, then shifted into a jog, then were pelting to their side of the border. At first, she was just shocked. Then angry. She dug her claws into the ground. "How dare they!" she burst out. All of them had risked their own lives for them, when they were enemies, to not even be thanked? Nightsplash's tail swished angrily, while Fernwhisper just stared at the ground, Rosecloud looking murderous. Looking pathetically bedraggled, their patrol limped into camp probably looking like they had plowed through the mud like gophers. They were greeted with shocked glances. Hollyshade ran up to them, gasping. "Great StarClan! What happened?" she mewed worriedly. "By the way she acts, you'd think she's a medicine cat," Fernwhisper grumbled. Hollyshade shot him a sharp look, then brushed against his pelt. "Go visit Kestrelwing. Now." Rosecloud and Nightsplash exchanged a glance. Nightsplash didn't see any injuries on her, except for a few scratches, which she could clean off along with the rest of her pelt. Before some cat could stop her, she stepped out of the camp to rinse herself in the stream just outside of camp. But she wasn't alone. Surprised, she noticed Amberclaw walking up behind her. "Look at you, sneaking around," Nightsplash snorted as she pulled a burr from her black pelt. "You missed one," he pointed out. With one claw, he dabbed a holly leaf from behind her ear. The sight of it falling into the current made her think of Hollyshade and Fernwhisper. Maybe there will be more kits in the Clan soon. She could feel Amberclaw's gaze burning into her pelt. I wonder what it's like for Hollyshade. How did she get Fernwhisper to like her so much? To have a mate...? Strangely, she was feeling trapped, like there were a million pairs of eyes staring at her and she had nowhere to turn. "Well. I should be going now." Nightsplash was flabbergasted at how cold and uncaring her voice came out. Amberclaw seemed somewhat dejected. But she had other things to worry about. Her black fur shining, she returned to camp, in hope of curling up in her nest. "Nightsplash. You take watch first," Redstar commanded. But I was being chased by Twoleg monsters all day! "But--but I'm really tired!" she complained. Redstar looked her in the eye. "We all are. So you just have to deal with it for now." Without another word, he padded away. Muttering curses, she took her station at the camp entrance. The nighttime wind chilled her to the bone. For a moment, she considered waking up Hollyshade early for her watch, and saying that it was her turn. But she decided against it. Nightsplash was still a very young warrior, and tricking a senior one could get her into a lot of trouble. Unable to resist, she took a few steps into the woods. The fresh air felt good, even though it was cold. Leaves blew by slowly, as if they didn't want to drift to a new destination. Her foot snapped a twig. She ignored it, but then she snapped another stick and rustled a leaf. "Great StarClan, I'm clumsy," she mumbled. Nightsplash backed into the camp once again. But the crackling continued. And suddenly, she found herself staring into a pair of ice blue eyes gleaming from the darkness. The words that all of ThunderClan had anticipated rang out. "SkyClan, attack!"