| - Video:The Penguin's A Jinx part 2 Video:The Penguin's A Jinx part 3
- Picking up from the last episode, Bruce Wayne's burning feet revive him just in time, and he retrieves from his pocket his cigarette lighter containing a lifetime supply of butane gas, and throws it into the fire. A sudden blast ensues, eating up the oxygen, putting the furnace out, and throwing Bruce free from the net, far enough to make his escape. Later, atthe Batcave, as the Penguin and his "Finks" cleverly eavesdrop courtesy of a bug he planted on The Batbrella, Batman and Robin decide that the Penguin's scheme is kidnapping actress Dawn Robbins, who is in town at a penthouse apartment. Batman then discusses the whole scheme the Penguin must have, which the listening Penguin plans to carry out with an added detail of his own. Batman and Robin go to Dawn (who is bored from the life of
| - Picking up from the last episode, Bruce Wayne's burning feet revive him just in time, and he retrieves from his pocket his cigarette lighter containing a lifetime supply of butane gas, and throws it into the fire. A sudden blast ensues, eating up the oxygen, putting the furnace out, and throwing Bruce free from the net, far enough to make his escape. Later, atthe Batcave, as the Penguin and his "Finks" cleverly eavesdrop courtesy of a bug he planted on The Batbrella, Batman and Robin decide that the Penguin's scheme is kidnapping actress Dawn Robbins, who is in town at a penthouse apartment. Batman then discusses the whole scheme the Penguin must have, which the listening Penguin plans to carry out with an added detail of his own. Batman and Robin go to Dawn (who is bored from the life of a movie star and wants to experience something exciting). They notify her that they believe she is in danger, and she agrees to let them stay and stake-out the place. The Penguin, Hawkeye and Sparrow swing across to Robbins' terrace on giant umbrellas; Penguin enters through the screen door and he gasses Dawn to sleep. As Batman and Robin try to stop the Penguin, a powerful magnet the Penguin had positioned just outside is turned on and they are pulled to it because of the metal in their utility belts, immobilizing them. The Dynamic Duo can only watch as Penguins' henchmen bind gag and wrap Dawn up in a fishnet. Dragging her out to the terrace. Then spirit get away to their hideout. It is later revealed that Batman and Robin had escaped from the magnet by a room service waiter and return to police headquarters. Knowing Penguin is listening in through the umbrella's bug, they announce that the ransom will be paid at Wayne Manor and that Batman and Robin will be waiting inside the armor statues immediately inside in the entrance hall. The Penguin goes to Wayne Manor and returns the actress. He then uses his gas-umbrella to knock out anyone inside the statues. He returns to his hideout to find out that Batman and Robin were waiting there; there had been dummies inside the statues all along. The Penguin is apprehended.
- Video:The Penguin's A Jinx part 2 Video:The Penguin's A Jinx part 3