| - Spinach, Lumber, Fruit, Bread, Boiled Egg, Fried Egg, Milk, Apple Jam, Miracle Potion, Stone, Ore, Flowers, Cabbage, Celery, Onion, Scallion, Strawberry, Tomato, Corn, Wheat, Hot Pepper, Potato, Carrot, Pumpkin, Brocolli, Bamboo Shoot
| - Gareth is a bachelor in Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories. As far as he’s concerned, he’s the most talented magician in the area – despite what Tabitha might say about her own powers. Unfortunately, Gareth is completely socially inept. Gareth attended the same wizardling school as his rival Tabitha, though their studies were each in a different area. He does not deal well with brash personalities, being a little shy. With a lot of intelligence but little common sense, Gareth often ends up in socially awkward situations, and has no idea how to extract himself from the messes that he creates for himself. As the resident Wizard and official competition to Tabitha, his schedule will never overlap hers, though their magic is quite complimentary. Unlike Tabitha, Gareth is willing to use his magic to aid others, though if he focused his razor sharp wit on the task at hand he may fare a little better. If only the two could get along, perhaps their combined magic could make something truly amazing happen. Gareth runs a fortunetelling shop at Luke's Bar and also at this house.